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No but literally. Ya'll are so cute and nice and supportive. Ty!!! 💕✨
I know my updates have been irregular as shit but I update when I have time so I'm making up by updating a lot recently.
Thank you for supporting, it means a lot!


Yoongi and Kookie end up settled on the couch. Yoongi could feel Kookie leaning into him as he taps away on his laptop. The younger was snuggled into his side, sucking happily on his paci while 'finding Nemo' played in the background. Yoongi told him that he needed to work so he put the movie on for the little to occupy him. Kookie giggled as he worked and he thought it was the sweetest thing.

Yoongi stopped working for a second to look to his side where the little sat. Kookie's fingers had curled around his new caregiver's shirt and he was staring at the screen intently, watching the movie. His eyes glowed with the blues and greens of the screen. He giggled again. Yoongi reached out to tuck a piece of hair behind the Littles ear. He closed his laptop, deciding he was done for the day, momentarily catching the Littles attention.

"is hyungie done?" he asked to which Yoongi nodded with a gummy smile. Kookie grinned behind his paci "can we cuddle?" he mumbled softly but not softly enough for Yoongi not to catch the Littles words.
"Of course angel." Yoongi said tucking his hands under the Little's arms and getting a squeal from him as he lifted the boy into his lap. He rubbed soothing circles into the Little's back causing him to him contentedly as he buried his head into Yoongi's shoulder. Kookie's eyes fluttered closed and he fell asleep like that, curled up on his hyung's lap. He never thought his life could get any better.

Soon afterwards Yoongi drifted off too, his arms draped around the Little's waist.


It was late afternoon when after a long day, Jimin stepped into the apartment. He felt like shit and all he wanted was to see his little Kookie and forget about the stress of the day's events. He walked into the lounge and put his bags down before noticing the soft snores that filled the air. He stepped round the couch to find Yoongi and Jungkook curled up asleep, Kookie snoring softly, his paci still between his lips. Yoongi's laptop was discarded on the other end of the couch.

He smiled and chuckled. Clearly things went well and hopefully Kookie accepted Yoongi as his caregiver. By the looks of it, it seemed so. He reached out to stroke the sleeping Little's cheek fondly. The sight of his little immediately brightened his day.

He woke Yoongi up gently and gestured to the little curled up in Yoongi's lap with an eyebrow raised, amused to which Yoongi blushed.

"he accepted me." Yoongi said happily, looking up at Jimin.
"What did I tell you hyung, he must be so happy."
Yoongi smiles and nods "he cried." he said recalling the situation to which Jimin coos softly.
"He really is so precious."

Both of them gently wake the younger, Yoongi soothing circles into his back as Jimin whispers to him gently.

Kookie woke up to his 2 favorite hyungs right there with him. He lifted his head off Yoongi's shoulder and smiled around his paci. Happiness filled his chest as he yawned cutely and giggled.
"Daddy!" he addresses Jimin, "I habe another daddy, look!" He says excitedly around his paci, pointing at Yoongi and poking the older's nose shyly. Yoongi's heart leapt in his chest. His body filled with warmth. Kookie called him daddy.

Jimin chuckles at the younger and smiles, nodding. "That's right bub. Now  you have to be twice as good for us, Hmm?"
Jungkook gets shy and hides his face in Yoongi's shoulder again with a nod. His two daddies chuckled.

"Yes daddy."

Quick question... Did we actually establish Kookie's rules earlier in the book? Can't remember if I made him a list lol. Lemme know.

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