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The next morning , Jungkook woke up to warm sunshine on his face and the sound of Jimin's soft snores , Jimin's arms holding him flush against his bare chest. Jungkook blushed crimson at the thought that Jimin was holding him so protectively . He felt the arms around his waist tighten .

"Morning" Jungkook heard Jimin say in a slightly gravelly morning voice .

"Morning hyung" he said back , still slightly embarrassed at their close proximity.

"Sleep well?" Jimin asked the younger


Good, me too" he said before snuggling his head into the crook of Jungkook's neck.

"Are you feeling better?" Jimin asked as Jungkook turned in his arms to face him . Jimin found Jungkook's bed head extremely cute and vice versa as Jungkook reached across the small gap between them to grasp Jimins pink hair in between his fingers, loving how it felt.

"I feel a lot better" he mumbled happily

"Feel like you can tell me what's wrong ?" Jimin asked tentatively. Jungkook's smile dropped ever so slightly as he sat up "o-ok" he said shakily , his nerves getting to him once again.

Jimin sat up too , worried that he made the younger upset again "only If you feel comfortable Kook , don't feel pressured"

"I-i know" Jungkook took a deep breath ,asking one more thing of Jimin before he spilled it all . This was it , it would either end up a big red stain on his white rug or a small mess that Jimin would help him clean up and they would move on happily. It was now or never. "C-can you hold my hand please?" He asked softly .

"Of corse " Jimin said , grasping Jungkook's small hand and giving it a squeeze .

"S-so ..." Jungkook started shakily "About 4 years ago , before debut I-I had a lot of stress and anxiety , even more than I do now."

Jimin nodded staying quiet and letting Jungkook explain "I-I tried a lot of things to help me get better, I tried melatonin to help me sleep better, other meds and special breathing and therapy but none of it helped ... then one day I-I came across this article on little space" Jimin murmured under his breath , scared to let Jimin hear.

"Say that again Kook, I couldn't hear ." Jimin said softly , still holding Jungkook's hand reassuringly.

"L-little space hyung" Jungkook said louder , now looking down at his hands and a tear slipping down his cheek .

"You're a little?!" Jimin asked shocked . He hadn't expected that to be the thing Jungkook said although he had no problem with it at all. Jimin had a friend in high school who had a boyfriend who was a little so he knew a little about the sub space and how to treat members of the community.

"I-I'm sorry hyung " Jungkook said , looking up at Jimin , his bottom lip quivering and his big doe eyes filled with shining tears . "P-please d-don't h-hate m-m-me!" Jungkook sobbed , tears steadily rolling down his cheeks .

Jimin's heart broke for the boy "Kookie , I would never!" He pulled the younger boy to his chest.

"I love you so much Jungkook! I'm so proud of you for telling me" Jimin praised "but I wish you would've told me sooner ."

"Y-you don't hate me ?" Jungkook asked in disbelief against Jimin's shoulder , loving the feeling of being held by Jimin's strong arms . He felt so safe.

"No, of course not Kookie." Jimin said , now stroking the sobbing younger's hair to try and calm him down. Jungkook clung to the back of Jimin's shirt like his life depended on it so overwhelmed with sadness and relief and stress all at once. He immediately slipped into his headspace in an attempt to lessen some of the overwhelming feelings as he still shook in Jimin's arms.

"Kookie was s-so wowied " he said softly, clutching Jimin's shirt in his small fists.

"Are you little now Jungkookie?"

"Y-yes hyung Ggukie is little."

"Can I see Ggukies pretty little face please?" Jimin asked the younger sweetly . Jungkook pulled his head back out of Jimin's shoulder . He was now sat in Jimin's lap , his tear stained cheeks glistening in the sunshine that came in through the half opened blinds .

Jimin looked into Jungkook's teary eyes and smiled "I'm so proud of you makne , so so proud." Jimin knew this was a huge step for Jungkook , the younger was very shy and found it very hard to get his feelings or problems out. All he wondered now was how Jungkook had been able to keep the magnitude of the secret away from all of them . He was now the only member who knew about Jungkook's little side...right? His heart lept at the thought. "Do you have a caregiver little one?" Jimin asked Kookie , wiping the tears off his cheeks. Jungkook's lip quivered and he shook his head sadly.

"Kookie has never had a daddy, nobody knows about Kookie being a little ." He pouted . Jimin lifted his hand to Jungkook's hair and tucked a strand behind his ear , causing Jungkook to blush shyly, still pouting as he sat there, still on Jimin's lap, Jimin's arms around his waist and back .

" I don't have a lot of experience with littles," Jimin said , pausing before he finished "my friend in high school's boyfriend was a little so I know a little bit but I would love to try and be your caregiver if that's ok with you Kookie?" He said tentatively , looking at the younger , waiting for a response.

Jungkook looked up at Jimin surprised , his big brown eyes wide and shining in the sunlight as he looked into Jimin's "r-really?!" He said excitedly , now clutching Jimin's hands in his own.

"Yes" Jimin said through a small chuckle at how excited the younger was "but only if you want-oof!" Jimin was cut off by Jungkook wrapping his arms around his neck and sobbing happily into his shoulder, pushing them both over so Jungkook was lying on Jimin's chest , Jimin lying down on the bed.

"Y-y-yes! Pwease hyungie!" Jimin chuckled again at the little's display of affection as he wrapped his arms around Jungkook's waist pulling him closer , Jungkook still lying happily on Jimin's bare chest , his head in the crook of Jimin's neck.

Jungkook was ecstatic . In that moment all his worries had melted away and he was the happiest he had ever been. Jungkook was expecting Jimin to leave him, disgusted by his little side but now that he had thought about it it was really silly. He and Jimin were super close and very little could come between them and cause them to grow apart. He loved Jimin so much and Jimin loved him too. And now Jimin was even willing to be his caregiver! It was the best reaction he could have ever asked for and he was filled with a feeling of overwhelming happiness as more tears slipped down his cheeks.

Jimin felt the wetness of Jungkook's tears against his warm shoulder as he held the younger contentedly "Shh baby you don't need to cry, I've got you , I'm right here" he said in an attempt to calm Jungkook who was sobbing tears into his shoulder , overwhelmed by everything. Jimin wasn't too worried though as he felt the younger smiling into his skin , these were obviously very happy tears.


Jungkook had calmed down and was now sitting back in Jimin's lap . He was still very shy , fiddling with his fingers , looking down but grinning happily as Jimin had his arms around Jungkook's waist securely .

"C-can Kookie ask a question?" Jungkook asked Jimin softly .

"Of course, I'm all ears"

Jungkook looked up into Jimin's eyes hopefully but looked down again frowning "I-it's stupid anyway , never mind"

"Hey, no it's ok" Jimin said rubbing the younger's back " you know you can ask me anything, I'd rather you asked than not baby"

Jungkook blushed at the nickname and smiled a little as he looked up into Jimin's eyes "C-can Kookie call Jiminie daddy?"


A/n hey y'all , sorry it's been like a month so I updated 2 chapters lol sorry , it's just been busy and I haven't had a chance to update sorry. Here you go tho :3

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