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Jungkook woke up in his littlespace to an empty bed. He sat up, confused and bunched the bedsheets around his small frame. Where was Jimin? Had he left him forever? Jungkook's eyes began to water as he thought of the possibility of his newfound caregiver leaving him all alone. He sniffled as innocent tears rolled down his face, for what he didn't know was that Jimin was only in the next room.

Upon hearing a soft mumbling and sniffling from the next room Jimin got up off of the couch and walked quickly into the bedroom of their hotel suite to see a familiar lump under the covers, shaking and sniffling. He walked over to the bed and sat down softly.

Jungkook felt the bed dip and his eyes widened , he threw the covers off of himself and sat up, his doe eyes teary and wide.


Jimin's eyes widened a bit, still not used to the nickname before he came back to his senses. "Yes baby, I'm here. " he said holding out his arms to the younger "aww baby why are you crying, come here" .

Jungkook's chin wobbled and his eyes filled with tears again as he launched himself into Jimins open arms.

"K-Kookie th-thought daddy l-left." he sobbed into Jimins shoulder. Jimin lifted Jungkook into his lap and held him securely, rubbing his back soothingly.

"I would never do something like that baby, I'll always be here."

Jungkook pulled away from Jimin, his teary eyes meeting his caregiver's "a-always?"

"always, I promise. " Jimin said smiling.

Jungkook gave Jimin a watery smile.


Jimin had Jungkook sat at the counter while he made tea for the younger in the small kitchen space. Kookie couldn't drink coffee in his littlespace so Jimin had decided tea would be the next best option for the little. Although the problem arose when the cup was handed to Jungkook who looked up at Jimin with a frown.

"What's wrong?" Jimin asked confused.

Jungkook pouted before answering sadly "no sippy cup?"

Jimin realized very quickly that they had none of Jungkook's littlespace items with them . He didn't even know if Jungkook has any at home in the first place. He frowned as he thought about it , Jungkook should at least have toys , right? Although hiding them must have been difficult.


"Yes daddy" Jungkook looked up from his tea which he was blowing on with the intent of cooling it down.

Jimin blushed at the name before continuing " does my little Kookie have little items and

toys at home?"

Jungkook frowned and his bottom lip jutted out cutely "Kookie only has hyungies' (BT21) stuffies . I's too scawy (scary) to hide toys." He said , fiddling with his fingers shyly.

Jimin's heart broke to think that Jungkook was so scared of his hyungs finding out that he didn't even have little items. "And do you have special clothes?"

Jungkook shook his head sadly.

'This isn't right' Jimin thought . He had an idea though. He reached across the table and pressed Jungkook's smaller hand to his own , threading their fingers together , making the little giggle "Why don't we go shopping for things you need. My baby shouldn't have to hide , huh?"

Jungkook's eyes widened and sparkled as a small smile graced his lips "d-does daddy mean it?" He asked tentatively .

"Of course , bun." Jimin replied , happy that even the thought of going shopping for little items cheering Kookie up.

Jungkook suddenly pulled his hand out of his caregivers and hopped off of his chair. He ran round the counter and launched himself into Jimin's arms, almost knocking Jimin and the chair over .

"Woah Kook" Jimin chuckled , wrapping his arms around Jungkook's waist in a hug .

"Thank y-you" Jungkook said shyly, his hot face buried into Jimin's shoulder "nobody's ever wanted to do this for me."

Jimin's heart warmed , knowing he was the only one "It's a pleasure baby, When shall we go?"

Jungkook pulled away and grinned happily " now! now! now!" He cheered making his caregiver laugh at his cuteness.

Angel 🥺

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Angel 🥺

It's been a while, sorry . I'll hopefully be updating more regularly now.

Thanks for reading <3

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