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(I'm minorly obsessed with this whole album 👉👈)


Jungkook woke up with a fuzzy feeling behind his eyelids. He opened his eyes and rubbed them groggily. His room was still dimly lit by his bedside lamp. Kookie was scared of the dark so it was still on from last night.

Jungkook smiled fondly at the memory of his caregivers the night before. even though he was not little he could clearly remember. He snuggled further into his duvet, enjoying the feeling of his sheets on his skin, reliving the memory before he had to face the world once again.

He yawned as he walked into the open plan area of their apartment towards the kitchen where he was bee-lining for coffee.
"look who's finally up." he heard a familiar voice say. He whipped his head round, startled to see Yoongi sitting on the couch, his coffee cup cradled in his delicate fingers.

Yoongi looked over at Jungkook with a warm gaze. The younger stood there for a second, his round eyes sparkling and his hair still tousled with sleep, falling over his eyes in soft brown locks. Yoongi's eyes led him to his shoulder where Jungkook's extra large t-shirt was slipping off his shoulder, revealing his soft skin and collarbones.

"morning hyung" Jungkook replied, now unfrozen as he continued to walk once again towards the coffee machine. He made himself a cup before joining Yoongi on the couch. He sat on the opposite end and stretched his feet out to rest on his hyungs still pyjama clad lap.

"Yah" Yoongi said in a mildly bothered tone, giving Jungkook a faux disapproving look which Jungkook ignored, taking his first sip of coffee and wiggling his toes.

"what time is it?" he asked Yoongi
"around 8," Yoongi replied "I've gotta head off soon. Maybe you wanna come. I know you have the morning free. "
"where to?" Jungkook asked curiously
"Joon and I are recording today. I thought you might like to be in studio."

"Will Namjoon be recording?" he asked shyly causing a twinge of jealousy to shoot through Yoongi's chest. He pushed it down.
"look kiddo, we all know you have an undying love for Namjoon, yes he will be recording, but give us all an equal stand." Yoongi said fauning hurt and teasing the younger with a twinkle in his eye.

"Hey! I don't have an undying love, ok?!" he said, his hand making its way to his chest in defense. "I have a deep appreciation."

"Yeah, yeah whatever." Yoongi said through a laugh. He ducked his head avoiding Jungkook's hand swatting at him but grinned at the deep flush on the younger's cheeks.

And so that's how Jungkook's day began, heading off to studio with Yoongi and Namjoon.

He smiled as his  favorite song came on the radio. He looked out of the tinted car window at the pedestrians and city scapes. He was already used to the things that made him an idol even though it was strange.

Sometimes he hated the fact that windows had to be tinted and that he had to be just that more cautious than the average person but he felt it was all worth it in the end. He had his hyungs, the good fans and he had his passion and that's all that mattered.

They arrived and made their way up into the company building to their individual studios. Today they were gonna be recording in Yoongi's studio (Jungkook had asked in the car).

Yoongi opened the door and turned on the lights dimly. The studio was dark and cozy. It was one of Jungkook's favorite places to be in the whole building. It wasn't like the dance studios, big and open. It wasn't too light and clear like the normal recording studios and it wasn't like Namjoon's or colorful like Hoseok's.

It was... Yoongi's. And maybe that's why he loved it so much, not that he'd admit It out of littlespace.

Yoongi was the best caregiver he could ask for. Jungkook felt strongly about it. Yoongi had a few of Kookie's essential items and plushies stashed away in what had become 'Kookie's corner' in the one end of the room. He was beyond excited the first time he found them. He even jumped up to grab Yoongi's face between his hands and leave a soft but firm kiss on his cheek followed by a "thank you daddy". Yoongi had never been so red as he shared what had happened with Jimin that evening.

Jungkook settled down on the couch, watching his hyungs set up.

A few hours had passed and they had gotten a lot done, working on new releases for their group album as well as a feature Yoongi had on one of Namjoon's new songs.

It was the first time that Jungkook had really focused on Yoongi's rapping. Sure he'd heard his hyung for years and years and of course he admired his skill and ability but he suddenly found himself staring at his hyung as he worked.

"ok, go" Namjoon said and Yoongi began. Jungkook was suddenly fixated on Yoongi's deep smooth voice. Yoongi's eyes were closed in concentration, the headset clad over his tousled black hair. He lent forward into the mic, his head twisting and bobbing. Jungkook was unusually enthralled.
Yoongi finished.
"nice!" Namjoon called from the other side of the booth with a thumbs up.

"cool" the word slipped from Jungkook's lips before he could control himself. He blushed as Namjoon gave him a tender side eye and grinned. Yoongi too.

Jungkook's heart skipped a beat.


They got home just past lunch time, leaving enough time for Jungkook to change and head off to dance practice.

"hey Kook. " Jimin greeted him with a smile as he walked in.
"Hi hyungs!" he said with a cute wave and smiled back at the others in the room. Jimin, Seokjin, Taehyung and Hoseok.

"What are we working on today?" he asked, beginning to stretch and warm up with the others.
"nothing new, just working on what we did last week." Hobi replied, turning the music on.
Jungkook hummed in acknowledgement and they began.


Jimin and Jungkook left the practice room. They had just finished and had the rest of the day off, No schedule left. They walked through the halls toward one of the many company kitchens to find water.

"what did you get up to this morning Kook-ah? I noticed you weren't at home." Jimin asked him as they walked.
"Oh, " Jungkook said smiling "I went to studio with Yoongi and Namjoon hyung. I had lots of fun!" Jungkook could feel himself slipping into his head space. Jimin also noticed but kept talking normally.
"that sounds cool. They were working on that new album right? Namjoon was telling me the other day."

Jungkook nodded eagerly "yepp" he said popping his p.
"Here we are" Jimin said to Kook as they arrived. They grabbed waters and left, now heading to the parking lot where they would be driven home.

"Kookie feels little" Jungkook said a bit nervously as they walked.
" that's ok sweetheart, we're almost there." jimin said with a reassuring smile. "wanna hold Dada's hand?"

Jungkook nodded and took the hand that was offered to him, immedietly feeling more relaxed.

"Good boy" Jimin said, giving Kookie's hand a reassuring squeeze and leading him the rest of the way. His heart felt full. He really must be in love.

Right. So. That was a filler, sorry. Next chapter will hopefully be a bit more exciting ;).

Please remember if you have questions about the characters, story, me, anything else, you are welcome to ask! I would love to do a Q&A ❤️

Tysm for reading

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2022 ⏰

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