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Rain is pouring outside the Bighit studio and the streets of Seoul are bustling. Despite the downpour, people rush under umbrellas to their destinations, huddled in coats and scarves , their breath misty white in the chilly air. BTS being no exception to the busy lives of others. The group were at their dance Studio trying to perfect their new dance for a new song on their upcoming album . Despite their dance instructor being more grumpy than usual and the cold rain and wind outside rattling the windows they are all managing fine , everyone except Jungkook.

Recently the makne has been under more stress than usual causing him to lose concentration and it was evident in his movements as they continued dancing.

Jungkook's eyes shifted to each of the members through the mirror opposite them, he watched as their chests heaved up and down in exhaustion, sweat drenching their clothes and making their skin glisten. He understood that that they had to work hard and put in all the effort they could but surely they could at least have a break? One day off would even be enough. Over the past few weeks he noticed how Yoongi had bags under his eyes and how Namjoon's forehead wrinkled with concern for the upcoming dates and how overall the group would laugh and smile less. Even Jimin looked exhausted and overworked. He hated it , not seeing his hyungs happy and well rested versions of themselves . He stared out of the window.

A loud shout made him flinch and look up startled "Jungkook! Concentrate please! We only have a few more days to this release!" His dance teacher snapped at him. He looked down , ashamed . He knew the members were working hard as he was too . He shouldn't ruin their practice time , stupidly getting distracted. "Sorry" he mumbled , his nerves slowly creeping in.

In the previous weeks leading up to their practice the boys had been noticing Jungkook's different behavior and how he was avoiding them all more and more over the time . They were all becoming increasingly worried about their youngest member.

"Something wrong Gguk?" Taehyung asked the younger , putting a hand on his shoulder with a slightly worried expression, in turn Namjoon scowled at their dance teacher's back. He understood that the man was stressed but so were they all and he didn't have to take it out on Jungkook.

"M'fine hyung" Jungkook mumbled trying to hold back his tears . The past few weeks had been hell alive for the boy . Because of their impossibly busy and tight schedule he had had no time to himself ,which meant no time to slip into his headspace and finally relax a little bit. He was left highly strung and jumpy , not ideal and causing the others to worry even more . "I N-need the bathroom ." He mumbled shuffling hurriedly away from Taehyung and the other 5 members watching as he left .

"You sure he's ok?" Namjoon asked Tae who in turn shrugged.

"He seemed worked up..." Tae said slightly confused . Taehyung had never been the most emotionally intelligent member of the group. Don't get me wrong , he's very affectionate and caring , he always wants to know what's wrong but he can be bad at reading people's moods sometimes and putting two and two together , especially for some reason when it comes to Jungkook.

"I'll go check on him" Jimin said , already walking toward the bathroom . Jimin was concerned about Jungkook's unusual behavior . Yes, Jungkook would get stressed easily but nothing quite this bad where he was avoiding the other 6 members that he would normally confide in about his problems.

Jimin reached the bathroom only to hear a soft sobbing coming from one of the stalls .

"Gguk...is that you ?" He asked approaching the stall door.

A soft whimper came from beyond as a soft voice replied "y-yes hyung". Jungkook sobbed , holding his face in his hands feeling ashamed. When the dance teacher had shouted at him he felt himself falling into tiny little pieces , crumbling in front of everyone. He hated showing weakness , to be the youngest of the group , in his head already made him the weakest link and at this point he didn't want to worry the others by having a stupid break down.

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