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Yoongi was out at his studio with Namjoon and Jungkook had dance practice with the rest of his hyungs, Jimin, Jin, Tae and Hoseok.

They all piled into the company van ready for practice. The energy was high and everyone was in a good mood.

They were informed along the way that there would be a new part time dance instructor at practice to help them with their choreography for a new dance. This excited Jungkook. It was always fun to meet new people who shared his interests and as an idol it was harder to meet people out of work so it got the man wondering what they would be like.

The traffic wasn't bad and soon enough they arrived at the company building where they all got out and made their way to the practice rooms on the top level of the 9 storey building.

"hey Kook," Jimin startled Jungkook out of his thoughts "you alright?"
"oh, yeah." Jungkook said "Just thinking." he said with a smile. "what do you think our new instructor will be like?" he asked Jimin who was now walking beside him.
"hmm not sure, I don't know anything about them, haven't heard much from our manager."
"I hope they're nice." Jungkook said in a slight mumble.
"I'm sure they will be, don't worry." Jimin ruffled Jungkook's hair softly.


They opened the studio door and were met by their new instructor. A tall young woman probably around their age with thin intimidating eyes and a high ponytail. She spoke in a sickly sweet voice that made the members cringe as she shook their hands in introduction.

"I've got a bad feeling about this." Hoseok muttered only loud enough for the members to hear as they stretched.

Jungkook felt nervous. The trainer's presence was unsettling and Jungkook could feel his tummy twist in anxiety. He ignored the feeling and kept stretching. He reassured himself it would be fine .

Sure enough as the lesson started though, the woman was not even remotely pleasant to work with. She was easily irratable and very impatient. She didn't praise the members like their usual instructor but in fact was the opposite and was ridiculously mean and unreasonable.

Midway through the lesson she shrieked at Jin as he had made another mistake causing Jungkook to flinch and regress a little in fright. Jimin noticed and rubbed a hand soothingly down the younger's back. An irritated frown covered his brow. This was only getting progressively worse.

She didn't allow the boys to take a break which meant that they were a panting sweaty mess just about all the way through.

She had shouted at every member in the practice room including Jungkook who tensed up more and became almost visibly upset. He was very sensitive and all the staff knew this but clearly this woman couldn't care less as she shouted instructions and hurriedly 'fixed' his dancing with sharp comments and cold stares as if she was eager to get to the next member whom she could order around.

She finally allowed the members a rest in which they collapsed on the floor.

She laughed and bitingly 'teased' them for being so exhausted. Even Hoseok was panting at this point and stared daggers into the woman's back as she turned to talk to another staff member.

Jungkook was an anxious mess. Today had not gone as planned and this woman -instructor- whoever she was was giving Jungkook a headache.

Jimin looked concerned and asked if Jungkook was ok. Kook didn't mean to but he simply let go at that point, his bottom lip jutting out "d-dada, s-s-s-she's a meanie." he whined softly.
Jungkook had regressed into his little state. The members were in shock because Jungkook rarely regressed in public or even semi-public spaces like the dance studio where there were unfamiliar people around.

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