Meeting Batman

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~Arkham Asylum~

Batman: "Comissionar Gorden." Gorden: "Batman. You bought the Joker in?" Harley: "And then he said-" Y/n: "Harley, I love you, but I have a job to do." Harley: "I know." Y/nn: "Then why are you here?" Harley: "(Random inmate) is my next patient." Y/n: "Be careful." Harley: "Huh?" Y/n: "Do you even know what he did?" Harley: "No?" Y/n: "Read up on it." Gorden: "Excuse me. How do you know what he did?" Inmate: "Am I that famous." Y/n: "Public records, and the news." the inmate frowns. Guard 1: "Supervisor." Y/n: "Lets' get this show on the road." Gorden: "You're the new head of Security, for Arkham, right?" Y/n: "Yep." Gorden: "You replaced all the old guards?" Y/n: "Mhmm. Most of them were on some inmate's payroll anyway. Besides, these guards have two years of psychology and are only here for de-escalation. We're working on getting Arkham to have dorms instead of cells. Things to do. Ways to socialize." Y/n bumps into Batman. Y/n: "Oh! I'm sorry I didn't see you there." Batman: "It's fine. Not a lot of people do." Y/n and Batman look at each other for a few moments. Joker: "Yay!" Y/n: "The dorms aren't secured yet. But we managed to get them to renovate walls for fences and to get the patients a few hours of outside time." Batman: "You're making a change." Y/n: "I'm also looking to make changes in Gothoms prisons, as well." Inmate: "So, who's my doctor?" Y/n: "That's a topic for another day."


Harley: "I met my soulmate!" Y/n: "Who?" Harley: "He calls himself the Joker." Y/n: "Harley! You're acting like the boys, from when we were kids." Harley: "Huh. I guess I am."

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