Harveys plan

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Y/n: "Ms. Dawes." Y/n looks at the window glaring at the street. Rachel: "Ms. Quinnzel." Y/n: "I hope you enjoy your stay." Rachel: "Thanks." Y/n heads to as she refers it 'the Bat Cave'. Rachel watches Gotham through the window. Bruce enters. Rachel: "Harvey called. He says Batman is going to turn himself in." Bruce: "I have no choice." Rachel: "You honestly think it's going to stop the Joker from killing?" Bruce: "Perhaps not. But I've got enough blood on my hands. I've seen, now, what I would have to become to stop men like him." Y/n: "He won't stop. He thinks that he's the hero." Rachel looks at Wayne. She cannot help him. Bruce: "You once told me that if the day came when I was finished..." Bruce moves towards her. Bruce: "We'd be together." Rachel: "Bruce, don't make me your one hope for a normal life-" Wayne takes her in his arms. Bruce: "But did you mean it? As friends of course." Rachel: "Yes." They hug. Then separate. She looks sadly into his eyes. Rachel: "But they won't let us be together after you turn yourself in." Wayne nods. Leaves. She watches him go.


Alfred shovels documents into an incinerator- blueprints, designs, files. He pauses, looking down at a book. Alfred: "Even the logs?" Y/n: *Reading a log* "These are very thorough." Bruce: "Anything that could lead back to Lucius or Rachel." Bruce grabs the log from Y/n and tosses it into the incinerator. Alfred tosses the book onto the fire. He stares at Wayne. Bruce: "People are dying, Alfred. What would you have me do? " Alfred looks into Wayne's eyes with a fearsome gaze. Alfred: "Endure, Master Wayne. Take it. They'll hate you for it, but that's the point of Batman... he can be the outcast. He can make the choice no one else can face. The right choice." Bruce shakes his head. Bruce: "Today I've found out what Batman can't do. He can't endure this." Bruce: *Rueful smile* "Today you get to say 'I told you so'." Alfred: "Today, I don't want to (beat) Although I did bloody tell you." Bruce sinks the Bat-suit, Alfred closes the incinerator. They head for the lift." Alfred: "I suppose they'll lock me up as well. Your accomplice." Bruce: "Accomplice? I'm going to tell them the whole thing was your idea." They power down, leaving the Bat-bunker in darkness.


A capacity crowd of reporters, cops, and the public. Harvey is at the podium. Wayne sits in the crowd. Harvey: "Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you for coming. I've called this press conference for two reasons. Firstly, to assure the citizens of Gotham that everything that can be done over the Joker killing is being done. Secondly, because Batman has offered to turn himself in-" The crowd reacts. Heckler: "So where is he?!" Harvey: "But first. Let's consider the situation: should we give in to this terrorist's demands? Do we really think that-" Reporter: "You'd rather protect an outlaw vigilante than the lives of citizens?!" The crowd noisily assents. Harvey calmly motions quietly. Harvey: "The Batman is an outlaw..."


Rachel is watching the press conference on TV. Harvey: "But that's not why we're demanding he turn himself in. We're doing it because we're scared. We've been happy to let Batman clean up our streets for us until now."


Heckler: "Things are worse than ever!" Bruce looks at the heckler. At the angry crowd. Harvey leans over the podium. Impassioned. Harvey: "Yes. They are. But the night is darkest just before dawn. And I promise you, the dawn is coming." (the crowd quiets) Harvey: "One day, Batman will have to answer to the laws he's broken, but to us, not to this madman. The crowd seems moved by his words, then, a CHANT- COP HECKLER: "NO MORE DEAD COPS!!!" Appreciative noise. Reporter: "WHERE IS THE BATMAN?!" People take up the chant. Dent has lost them. He knows it. Harvey: "So be it." He turns to officers. Harvey: "Take the Batman into custody." At this, a hush descends. Wayne is sitting towards the back. Hungry eyes scan the room. Wayne starts to rise... Dent offers his own wrists to the officers. Harvey: "I am the Batman." A beat. Wayne stares.


Rachel stares as Dent is arrested on TV. Appalled.


Rachel comes up to Alfred. Upset. Rachel: "Why is he letting Harvey do this, Alfred?" Alfred: "I don't know. He went down to the press conference-" Rachel: "And just stood by?!" Y/n: "I think he went into shock." Alfred: "Perhaps both Bruce and Mr. Dent believe that Batman stands for something more important than a terrorist's whims, Miss Dawes, even if everyone hates him for it. That's the sacrifice he's making- to not be a hero. To be something more." Rachel: "Well, you're right about one thing letting Harvey take the fall is not heroic." Rachel holds out an envelope. Rachel: "You know Bruce best, Alfred... give it to him when the time is right." Alfred: "How will I know?" Rachel: "It's not sealed." Alfred takes the envelope. Rachel gives him a kiss. Rachel: "Goodbye, Alfred. Good luck, Y/n." Alfred: "Goodbye, Rachel." Y/n: "Goodbye."


A Detective unlocks the cell and lets Rachel inside. Harvey: "I'm sorry, I didn't have time to talk this through with you." Rachel: "Don't offer yourself as bait, Harvey." Harvey: " They're transferring me to central holding. This is the Joker's chance, and when he attacks. Batman will take him down." Rachel: "No. This is too dangerous-" The Detective knocks. Dent rises.


Detectives stare at Dent as he is led, shackled, to the waiting convoy. Stephens begins clapping- a handful join in but most remain silent. Rachel follows him to the back of an armored vehicle. Rachel: "He's using you as bait- but he doesn't know if he can get the Joker- he's failed so far." Harvey: "How do you know what he's thinking?" Rachel: "I just do, okay? Harvey, this isn't just about you, what about all the people counting on you to turn this city around? Tell everyone the truth-" Harvey kisses her. He pulls out his lucky coin. Harvey: "Heads I go through with it." Rachel: "This is your life... you don't leave something like this to chance..." Dent tosses it at her- Rachel catches it. Looks. Heads. Harvey: *sincere* "I'm not ." She turns it over: It is doubled-headed. She looks up the doors close on his smile. She shakes her head. Torn. Rachel: "You make your own luck. As SWATS file into the back of the support vehicles-" Acting Commissioner: "We get this guy to County and he's their problem. The streets along your route will be cleared. The convoy stops for no reason."


A Swat with a shotgun climbs into the cab. Pulls on his mask, look over at the driver, who's already wearing his. Shotgun Swat: "Hope you've got some moves."


The convoy rockets past a roadblock.


The Swats are staring at Dent, fascinated. He smiles.


An Officer holding up traffic. A truck pulls up. Officer: "You wait like everybody else, pal." A Shotgun blast sends the Officer flying. A second blast illuminates the shooter's face, it's the Joker. 

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