Victims, Targets, and More

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The Joker looks back as his car SPEEDS away. He's breathing hard, exhilarated. He touches the blood running down his sweaty white makeup. SMACKS the back of the driver's seat. Harley: "Y/n is going to be okay, right?" Joker: "Look, Doll Face, Batman isn't letting your sister die anytime soon." Driver: "What do we do about Dent?" Joker: "I'm a man of my word."


Y/n opens her eyes. Batman: "Are you alright?" Y/n: "He threw me out of the window." Batman: "Dropped. He dropped you out of the-" Y/n cuts him off with a murderous look. Batman: "Threw, yep." Y/n: "Let's never do a dinner party again, okay?" Batman: "Not for a while." Rachel runs towards them. They look around. Rachel: "Is Harvey-?" Batman: "He's safe." Rachel lies back, breathing. She looks up at Batman. Rachel: "Thank you."


Stephans is talking to Gordon, subdued. Stephens: "Jim, it's over." Gordon: "As long as they don't get to Lau, we've cut off their funds." Stephens: "But the prosecution's over. No-one's standing up in front of a Judge while judges and police commissioners are getting blown away." Gordon: "What about Dent?" Stephens: "If he's got any sense. Dent's halfway to Mexico by now." The door bursts open. Dent, with fire in his eyes. Harvey: "So where do you keep your trash?" Gordon looks at Harvey. Impressed.


Lau looks up as Dent walks in, holding a bulletproof vest. Harvey: "You're due in court- I need you alive long enough to get you on the record." Lau: "No way. You can't protect me- you can't even protect yourselves." Harvey throws the heavy vest at Lau. Harvey: "Refuse to cooperate on the stand-you won't be coming back here- you 1 11 go to county. How long do you calculate you'll last in there?"


Bruce sits at his video screens- they all play the Joker's video with different image treatments and sound tunings. Bruce turns to Alfred. Indicates the screens. Bruce: "Targeting me won't get their money back. I knew the mob wouldn't go down without a fight, but this is different. They've crossed a line." Alfred: "You crossed it first, sir. You've hammered them, squeezing them to the point of desperation. And now, in their desperation, they've turned to a man they don't fully understand." Y/n walks in setting down a cup of tea before handing another cup to Alfred. Bruce gets up from his monitors, raises the bat cabinet. Bruce: "Criminals aren't complicated, Alfred. We just have to figure out what he's after." Alfred: "Respectfully, Master Wayne, perhaps this is a man you don't fully understand, either." Alfred looks at Bruce. Y/n: "Come sit." Bruce walks up behind her. Alfred: "I was in Burma. A long time ago. My friends and I were working for the local government. They were trying to buy the loyalty of tribal leaders, bribing them with precious stones. But their caravans were being raided in a forest north of Rangoon by a bandit. We were asked to take care of the problem, so we started looking for the stones. But after six months, we couldn't find anyone who had traded with him." Bruce: "What were you missing?" Alfred: "One day X found a child playing with a ruby as big as a tangerine" Y/n looks curious. Alfred shrugs. Alfred: "The bandit had been throwing the stones away." Bruce: "So why was he stealing them?" Alfred: "Because he thought it was good sport. Because some men aren't looking for anything logical, like money... they can't be bought, bullied, reasoned or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn." Y/n: "You can't see yourself as the villain if you believe you're the hero. He was like an anti-hero or a vigilante in his own mind." Bruce stares at Alfred. Reaches for the bat-suit.



H-Harley Quinn

Y: Hey, babes!

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