A Dinner Party to Remember

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Harvey and Rachel get off the lift. Harvey stands in awe of the penthouse and its guests. Rachel: "Now I've seen it all: Harvey Dent, the scourge of the underworld, scared stiff by the trust fund brigade." Rachel spots someone and darts off. Harvey: "Rachel-" Alfred: "A little liquid courage, Mr. Dent?" Harvey turns to see Alfred with drinks on a silver tray. Harvey: "Thanks. Alfred, right?" Alfred: "Yes, sir." Harvey: "Rachel talks about you all the time. You've known her whole life?" Alfred: "Not yet, sir." Harvey smiles and surveys the crowd. Harvey: "Any psychotic ex-boyfriends I should be aware of?" Alfred: "Oh, you have no idea." Alfred leaves Harvey standing there, puzzled. The crowd reacts as a loud roar drowns conversation. Harvey looks outside.


Bruce's chopper touches down. He walks out with Y/n following him.


Bruce and Y/n come out of the helipad elevator. Bruce: " Sorry, we're late- glad you started without me! Where's Rachel?!" Rachel cringes slightly. Bruce spots her. Wayne: "Rachel Dawes- my oldest friend. When she told me she was dating Harvey Dent, I had one thing to say... the guy from those god-awful campaign commercials?" Y/n standing next to Rachel looks confused. Y/n: *Mumbling* "I guess I'm too invested in work cause I've never heard of Dent before Bruce mentioned him." Y/n giggles. Rachel: Note to self. Make a point to ask her about that. Laughter. Dent shifts, embarrassed. Bruce: "'I Believe in Harvey Dent.' Nice slogan, Harvey. Certainly caught Rachel's attention. But then I started paying attention to Harvey, and all the 1s been doing as our new D.A., and you know what? I believe in Harvey Dent. On his watch, Gotham can feel a little safer. A little more optimistic. So get out your checkbooks and let's make sure that he stays right where all of Gotham wants him..." He raises his glass. Bruce: "All except Gotham's criminals, of course. To the face of Gotham's bright future- Harvey Dent." Harvey smiles accepting the toast. Rachel: "So, you've never heard of Harvey Dent?" Y/n: "No. I work as Head of Security at Arkham. I've been trying to get it reformed and haven't had time to get caught up with the news." Rachel: "Rachel. Rachel Dawes." Y/n: "Y/n. Y/n Quinnzel." 


Ramirez catches up to Gordon, holding paperwork. Ramirez: "That Joker card pinned to the body? Forensics found three sets of DNA." Gordon: "Any matches?" Ramirez: "All three." Gordon stops and turns to face her. Ramirez: "The DNA belongs to Judge Surrillo, Harvey Dent, and Commissioner Loeb." Gordon: "The Joker's telling us who he's targeting- get a unit to Surrillo's house, tell Wuertz to find Dent get them both into protective custody. Where's the Commissioner?" Ramirez: "City hall." Gordon: "Seal the building. No one in or out till I get there."


Bruce walks out to the edge of the balcony and looks over Gotham. Hears someone behind him- Rachel." Rachel: "Harvey may not know you well enough to understand when you're making fun of him. But I do." Bruce shakes his head. Bruce: "I meant every word." Bruce moves closer to Rachel. Takes her arm. Bruce: "The day you once told me about, the day when Gotham no longer needs Batman. It's coming." Rachel looks at Wayne. Conflicted. He moves closer. Rachel: "You can't ask me to wait for that." Bruce takes Rachel's arms, looking at her, excited. Bruce: "It's happening now- Harvey is that hero. He locked up half the city's criminals, and he did it without wearing a mask. Gotham needs a hero with a face." Y/n: *To Harvey* "He said he was getting fresh air. I've been looking for him." Harvey: "Really. Any reason?" Y/n: "He's the one who invited me, besides I've never been to a party like this before." Harvey: "You can throw a party, Wayne, I'll give you that. Thanks again. Mind if I borrow Rachel? Also, a lady is looking for you." Rachel: "Must be Y/n. H/l, h/c and second h/c hair, and blue eyes?" Harvey: "Yeah. She's getting a bit anxious." Bruce: "I'll go find her." Rachel glances back at Bruce as she moves to Harvey. Bruce watches them head inside. Y/n walks outside. Y/n: "Everything okay?" Bruce: "Yeah. You? I heard that you were getting anxious?" Y/n: "First time I've been to a party like this." Bruce: "Harleen and you never been to a party?" Y/n: "A few in high school. We were pretty wild back then, but we've never been to something as fancy as this."

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