An unexpected Visit

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~After Y/n looked into the Joker~

Y/n: "Harley!" Harley: "Oh, common. He's my soulmate!" Y/n: "And Batman is my soulmate, we all don't get what we want. I just want you to be careful, he reminds me of how I was when we were kids." Harley: "Fine! I'll be careful. Okay?" Y/n: "Thanks." Batman jumps onto the balcony. Y/n: "How much do you want to bet this is Batboy." Harley: "Seventy-Five bucks says it is." Y/n: "Fifty says it's Joker." Y/n opens her balcony door to see Batman. Y/n: "You win Harls." Batman: "Would you like to get coffee?" Y/n: "Coffee with Batman? Umm." Batman: "Not as Batman." Y/n: "Come pick me up tomorrow at noon. I'll be at Arkham." Harley: "So?" Y/n: "I got a date at noon." Harley: "Yay!" Y/n: "Harleen!" Harley drags Y/n to her room.

~The next day~

Y/n: "Be careful Harley." Harley: "I will, besides you'll be watching through the cameras." Bruce: "Hey." Y/n: "Eek!" Bruce: "Sorry, for scaring you." Y/n: "You-you're Batman?" Bruce: "Mhmm." Y/n frowns while watching Harley. Bruce: "What's wrong?" Y/n: "He's manipulating her, and she's eating it up." Bruce: "Huh?" Y/n: "Let's go for a drink after this-" Harley bursts through the door pushing her glasses up. Harley: "Isn't he something?" Y/n: "Yeah, Harls." Bruce: "Mhm."  Harley: "Y/n! You have a date to go too." Y/n: "Yes, ma'am." Bruce: "Let's go." Y/n: "Harley, be careful." Harley: "You've got it, baby sis." 

~At Cafe~

Y/n: "So-" Bruce: "How did you know about him manipulating her?" Y/n: "I-" Bruce: "I'm sorry if it's a sensitive topic." Y/n: "I'm a great manipulator when it comes to life and death situations." Bruce: "How did you become like that?" Y/n: "Which part the manipulator was from being the second eldest of five kids, also being the only other female. Harley and I would do small experiments about psychology together. I would manipulate some to the brink of insanity and she would bring them back with psychological help and explain what happened." Bruce: "Why did you agree to it?" Y/n: "Simple, it would help me in the future. I also learned that I couldn't be naive or people would use me like that." Bruce: "Oh." Y/n: "You can't manipulate a manipulator. Especially one who has been doing it for years." Bruce: "Huh?" Y/n: "So, what about you?" Bruce: "I'm 27 and own a business." Y/n: "That's interesting." Bruce: "I'm hosting a dinner party. Care to attend?" Y/n: "Sure, but I don't have anything to wear." Bruce: "Come on."

A/n: The rest will be based of of The Dark Night but with Joker and Harley Moments

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