The perfect Yulemas tree

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"Here we are, Luz. Bonesborough's best Yulemas tree lot!" She said hopping off her magic staff showing her apprentice a lot full of trees ranging from sizes and either covered with snow while there were some Yulemas tree saplings being sold as well ranging from 55 to 69 snails a 5 or 8 foot Yulemas tree and they even have some Yule logs for the fireplace.

"Okay, kid here's how we pick the perfect Yulemas tree it's gotta be a good size not just for decorating and putting gifts under but also for the burning." She explains leading her and King into the lot to explain one of the many Yulemas traditions her human apprentice will learn about and in return share a Christmas tradition from the human world. The silver haired witch takes a big deep breath and lets it out. "Do you smell that, that is the smell of freshly chopped down Yulemas trees."

3 other witches caught Luz's eye in the tree lot green haired twins and a girl with short purple and brown streaked hair in winter coats are also picking out their tree as well. They also seemed to recognize her as well the twins wave over to her getting her attention. "Edric, Emira, you and Amity also out picking Yulemas trees too." The girl, Emira nods to her. "That's right and we still haven't found the right one yet."

"But what about this one?"
"Edric, that tree is bigger than our house it won't fit inside!" The purple haired witch says irritably.
"Think of the bonfire that it will be the day after Yulemas it'll be a bigger one than last year's tree burning."
"And it left you with burns on your hands when we went to pick up the ashes after the fire went out."
The witch girl turns around to see Luz with Eda and King. "Luz, I didn't expect to see you here."
"Me either, Amity and look at us trying to find that perfect Yulemas tree."

"This is actually my first Yulemas and I celebrate Christmas where I come from." Luz tells her while Eda looks for her tree.

"Too short, nope too tall, too dry," the owl lady stares down at a scraggly looking tree that barely looks like a proper Yulemas tree, "you just give these trees a bad name." She then traces a glowing yellow magic spell circle under the snowy ground setting the pitiful thing ablaze normally it would've been on the acutal tree burning day but the little ugly thing had to be put out of its misery. "Don't you have any good Yulemas trees?" She said tapping her foot at the salesperson impatiently with her staff in hand. "I do, but you know these days customers swarm my lot each year and buy all the good trees leaving me with the not so ideal ones and a couple of saplings." They said to the older witch.

"So Eda said she'll teach you some Yulemas traditions for you to learn, well for starters," Amity begins to explain to Luz some of her Yulemas traditions that she and the Blight twins grew up with as young witchlings, "also, I'd be very careful of the tree sap, not only does it make the Yulemas tree burn quicker in the bonfire, it also is stickier than any glue or slime on the Boiling Isles."

"You're a little too late on the sap warning there." She said seeing King's paw stuck on the trunk of a tree and struggling to get free unleashing his squeal of rage. "Not only is it good as an adhesive for making Yulemas cards and other art projects it can also be a syrup to sweeten up traditional Yulemas treats." Says Amity who then spot Emira and Edric with the perfect tree that the twin found. "What do you think, Mittens it's just the right size." Emira declared. "It also has enough sap to tap to make enough syrup to last us until next Yulemas." Added Edric showing his two sisters the tawny colored tree sap staining his gloved hand that almost looks similar to maple syrup. "Be that as it may, it's perfect for this year's Yulemas." Amity said tracing a large magenta spell circle on the ground summoning an abomination. "Abomination, carry that Yulemas tree home for us." She ordered. The purple gooey complies taking the large tree from the snow covered ground as Emira gets the money to buy their tree. "Look alive, Luz this one of the many holiday traditions you're about to experience." Amity said following the twins out of the lot with the abomination carrying the tree in tow and just in time with Eda finding her perfect Yulemas tree to take home with her. "I found it! Now let's get this back so I can show you how we decorate it." The owl lady calls out to her apprentice while tying the big tree up with some rope the salesperson provided for her.

Yulemas at the Owl HouseWhere stories live. Discover now