King's Christmas/Yulemas list

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Some loose and occasionally balled up papers were found on the floor and King was right in the middle of the living room floor with a pencil in hand writing what looks like a sort of letter. Eda had gone out to do a little Yulemas shopping leaving him and Luz on their own.

The human girl walked downstairs sporting a warm sweater and sees the little demon writing away on the paper only to growl im frustration balling it up and throwing it at her feet. "Aww, someone needs a hug." Luz said picking up King in her arms. "I don't need-" he tries to get out from her hold but feels a sense of security. "nevermind just a little longer." He said laying his head on her forearm.

"What's got you all grumpy?" She asks holding the discarded sheets of paper. "I was trying to write a letter to Santa for what I want for Yulemas this year but they don't look or sound right." He confessed. "It's okay. King what if I helped you out and I've done this for years." She finds some clean paper to use and clears the floor of the crunpled and balled up reject letters as King considered them to be. "For starters, I usually begin my letters like this:" Luz gives the pencil a twirl and begins to write,

"Dear Santa,
How are things going at the North Pole, well I'm sure it's magical as it always is. I haven't written to you ever since I got to my double digits and I now live in this magical world of the Boiling Isles and became the apprentice for Eda, the Owl Lady."

She writes away with King observing her letter in the making.

"I have been learning so much not just from Eda but from my friends Willow and Gus. I even met another witch named Amity. At first, I never really liked her for how mean she was to Willow when I first met her and posed as her abomination,"

King passes on another piece of paper after informing ol' Kris Kringle of her adventures since her arrival in the Boiling Isles. "Now here's the part where we can write down what we want for Yulemas this year." King gets started following Luz's lead as she asks for The Good Witch Azura special graphic novel she had saw at a bookstore when from her day out with Gus and Willow.

"As much as I want presents this year, I also have a wish, to become the best witch I can be, like Eda except for the cursed part and I also wish I could see my mom again back home."

Her brown eyes became watery remembering her mother, Camila and how they talked with each other through the beams of the headlights of her car. She rubs her eyes of any tears threatening to spill out.

King also writes down his Yulemas wish in his letter as Luz finishes her letter putting them all together and folding them as neatly as she could. "Now to send them to the North Pole."

The front door opens revealing Eda with a sack of stuff she bought. "I rather you don't start peeking because it's considered bad luck to see and open your gifts before Yulemas." She said making a spell circle causing some blindfolds to appear and obscure their vision. "I know, same thing for Christmas." Luz says laying on her back. "Good for you, kid. Looks like you and King were doing a little letter-writing. I haven't done that since me and Lily were girls and I always put in them that she was too much a priss to get presents under the Yulemas tree but she fired back saying that wild-child witchlings don't get gifts." She says with a laugh casting a spell to have the items she bought wrapped and put under the tree. King takes the blindfold off looking up at the older witch who takes hold of his and Luz's letters and gets to writing a letter for Hooty otherwise theu wouldn't hear the end of it from him being left out.

"Let me show you how we send these letters to Santa." Eda says to the pair to see this as a learning experience for Luz's first Yulemas on the Boilng Isles.

Having their letters written and sealed they head out to a cliffside and felt the chilly gust of wind. "Let the Northern winds send these off to the North Pole." She tells them as the chilly Northern wind comes up as Luz and King's cue to let the letters go and send them flying to the North Pole as the sun begins to set on the horizon.

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