Naughtiness stinks😵

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"Since Yulemas and Christmas both share Santa, do you think bad witches get lumps of coal in the shoes they put out by their bedroom doors?" Luz asks Eda who is enjoying a freshly baked slice of Yule log cake. "Not exactly, troublemaking little witchings end up getting a chunk of sulphur and boy does it reek!" She said pinching her nose.

"From what my mom told me as a kid is this, "Edalyn, the naughtier you are, you'll end up getting the biggest and most foul smelling lump of sulphur if you don't behave yourself." Then came Yulemas, and I did get a small piece of sulpher and it wasn't as unbearable if it were big enough to fit in the palm of my hand."

Luz thought of the way Hunter had put her and Amity in danger and he would've ended up with so much sulphur that it would stink up Emperor Belos' castle and drive the entire Emperor's Coven out and running for the hills. The same with all the other Coven heads.

Back at Blight Manor, Amity was at her desk writing away on a sheet of paper.

"Dear Santa, I know I haven't written to you since I was younger, but I guess I'd do it now than never. Anyway, a lot has changed and to confess, I haven't exactly been the best at being good. My whole life, I was told that being a Blight means that you are better than everyone and associate with likeminded people. But all that changed when I met Luz. At first, I hated her and always blamed her for getting me into trouble every time she comes near me and I was so awful to Willow that I wish I could take it all back and still be friends with her like when we were young witchlings. I never meant it when I called her "Half a witch Willow" when she was put in the Abomination Track, she really is a strong witch and very good at plant magic."

Amity could feel some tears pricking her eyes; she quickly rubs them and continues writing.

"I know I don't deserve any presents for the way I behaved especially after my parents told Principal Bump to expel Willow, Gus and Luz from Hexside and I couldn't do a thing to defend them until I finally stood up to my parents when they almost tried to kill Luz in their latest business presentation they are my real friends compared to Boscha and Skara. Now me and Luz are girlfriends now. Even if I don't get any presents, having Luz in my life is a gift more than what I could've asked for.

Blessed Yulemas,
Amity Blight."

She seals the letter in an envelope and makes a little spell circle of abomination goo and stamps it like a wax seal. The purple haired witch opens the window and felt the impending gust of the Northern Wind holding it and when it came, she lets it go letting the wind carry her letter to the North Pole.

"Can I make a confession, Eda?" Luz asks her mentor. "Sure, Luz at this time of the year it's best to get things off your chest and start with a clean slate." She tells her. "I know I haven't been good this year and made a lot of mistakes even before I came here."
"We all make mistakes, kiddo and look at me, never joined a coven, got cursed by my own sister, was on the run because of being a wild witch, nearly got turned to stone but I never let all that get me down. And do you know what I realized through it all?"
The human girl stares up at her with a small saddened look. "I realized that I'm not perfect and neither is Lilith. Perfection is overrated anyway the mistakes we make is what make us who we are and granted I may or may not have learned from them."

This made her laugh a little prompting Eda to tousle her hair a little. "Also, if you really wanna show ol' Santa that you're good, help me polish off this Yule log." She says serving Luz a slice and then gave some to King and Hooty. "You got it, Eda."
"That's my girl and don't hesitate to ask for seconds."

Yulemas at the Owl HouseWhere stories live. Discover now