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Lexy's charity.

THE LOUD RINGING OF her alarm woke her up, only reminding her that she was only going through another draining day. It'll end the same as yesterday.

She slipped on the dark washed jeans and the light crewneck, deciding against doing her hair as she left her hair in the surprisingly neat braids from last night.

Ruby threw her backpack over her shoulder, kissing the top of her brothers head as he sat at the kitchen table, her mother stood at the stove cooking eggs.

"Not eating before school?" Anne stopped her daughter, the hint of alcohol in her breathe made the girl gawk.

"Not hungry." Ruby bid goodbye as she stepped out into the early morning, running up behind the curly headed boy as she swung an arm around his shoulders.

He gasped, placing a hand over his heart as he recognized the dark strands, "stop sneaking up on me."

"Bringing the doll?" Ruby gestured to the toy clutched in his arm, he simply nodded as a response.

The bus pulled up onto the corner of their street, opening the doors for the two teens to climb up the steps.

Oliver sat at the edge of his usual seat, laughing as the Wheeler came onto the bus, throwing an item of clothing at him, it sliding down onto the floor.

"You're not funny, Oliver. You're fucking annoying. Get over yourself." Ruby spat harshly, making him stop cackling as he avoided eye contact with her.

Jake chuckled as he sat towards the window, Ruby sitting beside him as she huffed, "I hate this town."

While, she rambled on about all of the popular kids she'd grown a hatred for, all he could focus on was the boy just a seat ahead.

Devon Evans. He held a magazine, a gruesome picture plastered on the front headlines as he read it,
completely focused on the words inked onto the paper.

Ruby waved her hand in front of his face, "Jake? Hello?"

"What? Sorry." Jake furrowed his brows, turning to her as she sunk into her seat.


Junior walked onto the bus, sitting right beside Devon, "Still don't understand why you're still into this stuff."

"I think it's a better hobby than running." He chuckled, watching as the boy opposite of him scoffed in annoyance.

Ruby rolled her eyes as the bus came to a halt, groaning softly as she stood, lazily throwing her backpack off her shoulder as she slid out of her seat, Jake following behind.

She pushed past the people crowding the hallways, finally making it to her locker as she turned the numbers, putting in her combination as she pulled it open.

"Hey, Jake. Awesome good guy doll. I'm into vintage too." A boy came running up beside them, standing next to Jake's locker as he opened it.

"Oh, he's retro. Wanna buy it?" Jake offered desperately.

He shook his head, "No, thanks. Hey, uh, can I ask you a question?"

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