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new lifestyle.

RUBY GLANCED AT HER dark blue backpack by her feet, before making eye contact with the curly headed boy beside her.

She reached for his shaky hand, squeezing it three times. I. Love. You.

He mirrored her actions, the corners of his lips lifting into a sad smile, he fluttered his eyes shut as the car drove at a fast pace, flying past the large homes as they neared the Wheeler residence.

The home was much larger then they both remembered, their eyes widening as their lips parted in shock.

Logan opened the car doors for the two, them sliding out with their backpacks slung over their shoulders, Chucky being gripped by Jake.

"C'mon." The man directed the two as he approached the unlocked front door, holding it open for them as he typed in the alarm code.

Bree stood by the steps, welcoming them with a warm smile, her eyebrows furrowed as her eyes caught the girl behind Jake.

The woman walked over with open arms, hugging the boy as she sighed, "Hi, Jake. So you're gonna come stay with us now."

He nodded, "Thank you."

"Can I get you anything? Are you hungry? Do you want something to drink?"

"No, I'm okay. Thanks." Jake politely declined her offer, glancing over his shoulder at the quiet girl.

Ruby felt out of place, not welcomed by the family. She avoided eye contact with them all, instead her eyes boring into her chipped nail polish.

"Can she stay? If she can't the I'm not sure I can stay here." Jake insisted, looking between his uncle and his wife before him.

The couple nodded, Bree reaching her hand out for Ruby, "of course she can."

This made her glance up, smiling in appreciation as she took the woman's hand.

"Your rooms are right upstairs. I'll take you to them." Bree offered, slowly backing up as she turned to walk up the stairs, the two following behind her.

She opened the door, flicking the light switch on as she entered the guest bedroom.

"So this is yours." She shut the door, grabbing the bags as she placed them on a chair, "make yourselves at home. The bathrooms down the hall. Wi-Fi password is "EAGLESCOUT," all uppercase. Is there anything else you need?"

Jake shook his head, "I think we're good."

"I want you to know that we're her for you, Jake. All of us. You're not alone."

He nodded, flashing her a small smile, "Thanks, Aunt Bree."

She patted the two teens on their shoulders before opening the door of their new shared bedroom, she unexpectedly turned around, "Jake. What did you mean today? At the talent show. About me having a secret?"

"I-I was just trying to be funny. I didn't-I didn't mean anything by it. I'm sorry." Jake stuttered.

"Okay. Get some rest." Bree turned the door knob, opening the door as she revealed a curious Junior standing in the doorway of his bedroom.

Him and Ruby locked eyes, making her stomach drop.

Jake stepped towards the wide open door, his eyes glued to the floppy haired boy as he shut the door harshly.

Ruby sighed as she sat on the edge of the bed, bringing her eyebrows together in a furrow as she watched her best friend stand in the middle of the room, lifting Chucky to face him.

"What are you doing?" She laughed, tilting her head to the side as she watched him.

He only ignored her as she shook the doll roughly, "talk to me. I said talk to me, damn it. All right. I'm gonna make you-"

His threatening words were cut off as a plastic hand was raised to slap him directly in the face, the doll hitting the floor as Jake scurried back in fear.

Ruby gasping as she quickly crawled to the top of her bed.

Chucky blinked as he hit the carpet, "Hi, I'm Chucky, and I'm your friend till the end. Hidey-fucking-ho"

The duo was in a state of different emotions as they stared at the doll dumbfounded, they had to be hallucinating.

"Holy shit." Jake cursed, standing above the doll as his chest rose up and down rapidly.

They watched as Chucky stood, darting his blue eyes between the friends before speaking, "I know."

"You-you killed him. You really did it." Jake spoke frantically as he watched the toy pace around the room.

"We did it, Jake."

"I didn't want him dead." Jake fought back, shaking his head in protest.

Chucky stopped pacing as he faced him, "what did you think I was gonna do, ask him for a hug? He got what he deserved."

"He wasn't always like that. When I was younger, he was really cool." Jake excused his father's horrendous actions.

"I know an asshole when I see one."

"After my mom died he couldn't deal." The boy choked.

Chucky parted his lips, "oh,  I thought we were talking about the cat."

"You really are Charles Lee Ray." He whimpered.

"But my friends all call me Chucky." The doll reached in his front pocket, a knife sliding out of the cotton as he held it, slowly walking towards Jake, "now, let's talk about that bitch, Lexy."


shit is about to hit the fan.

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