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THE MORNING CAME AROUND rather quickly, leaving both teens to get dressed in a hurry as they made their way downstairs.

Luke sat at the dining room table, wearing his work clothes as he sipped a beverage out of his mug, giving both teens as look as they entered the room.

"Dad, are you okay?" Jake asking, gulping as he gripped onto the small chair.

"Yeah." He replied flatly, "I was up late doing payroll."

The teen boy fiddled with his fingers, clearly nervous as his voice shook slightly, "Dad, we need to talk."

"I agree."

Chucky was roughly placed down on the surface of the table, the teens eyes going wide in shock as their parts parted.

"I liked to be hugged."

The animatronic voice sent chills down their spines.

"Found this in the bathroom. I thought we got rid of that." Luke set down the newspaper, a look of disappointment on his face as he stared up at his son.

Jake nodded, reaching down to pick up the doll, "Yeah, I'm working on it."

He walked to the living room, Ruby following behind him as she had still been processing the reappearance of the creepy doll.

She watched as Jake sat, flipping the toy onto its stomach as he began to rip the velcro open, pausing with hesitation before he pulled down the flap covering his battery's.

As he ripped it open, both of their jaws dropped. There was no battery's.

Ruby stepped back, placing her hands on the top
of her head as she mumbled to herself in disbelief.

Quickly, they raced to the front door, throwing it open as they hurried down the concrete steps, Ruby lifting the metal lid, Jake tossing the doll into it as she placed it back on top.

By the time they'd arrive at their middle school, the talent show had already begun, them just getting there in time for Devon's act.

The auditorium was packed with people, parents, teachers, students, almost everyone showed.

They grabbed their seats in the middle, having a perfect view of the stage.

Devon played piano gracefully, looking down at his fingers dancing over each key as it let out it's own melody.

He finished, loud rounds of applause filling the air, him bowing before exiting.

Lexy walked out onto the stage, her rainbow dress sparking in the light as she smiled largely.

"That was so beautiful, Devon. Was it meant for anyone special?" She smirked, her curled blonde hair swaying as she spoke.

"Only for you, Lexy."

She giggled, "I think you're lying. Okay, I see some familiar faces in the crowd tonight. Hey, mom. Hey, dad. Hey, brat. Oh, and I think I see Devon's mom. Mrs. Evans, you must be so proud."

The bright light shined down on the woman, a small smile on her lips as she spoke, "yes, I am."

"And, is that Jake Wheeler sitting right across from you?" Loud rounds of boos had him shifting uncomfortably in his seat, "Hey, Jake, enjoying the show?"

"Uh, yeah."

Lexy tilted her head tauntingly to the side, "What did you think of Devon?"

"It was good." Jake gulped, his leg bouncing up and down, Ruby reaching over as she placed her hand over his shaky one.

"Just good?" She furrowed her brows, "Come on, Jake, don't be shy. Now is your chance to tell Dev and his mom what you really think."

Devon's mom glanced at the curly headed boy, Devon also turning his head, making Jake crumble under the pressure.

Ruby opened her mouth to snap at the girl, but a voice behind them had her closing it quickly.

"Hey, Lexy! Lexy! Why don't you pick on someone your own size."

She looked around in confusion, her eyes darting over the many people packed into seats, "Who is that?"

"Little help here, Jake." Chucky called, making the boy stand up as he lifted him off the seat, clutching the doll as he brought it to his ear.

Everyone watched as he began to approach the stage, forcing Lexy to step away from the microphone with an annoyed expression.

"Hi, I'm Chucky. And I'm your friend till the end." Chucky greeted, "Now, I said 'friend', Jake. Nothijt more."

Laughter echoed, Ruby still sitting in his seat, slightly frozen as she stared at her best friend dumbfounded.

"Not that there's anything wrong with that. Hey, look what I found." Chucky lifted a phone, making Lexy squeak from the edge of the stage.

"My phone." She approached the two, immediately stepping back with a yelp as the doll yelled.


Chucky glanced down at the bright screen, "Lots of pics of Junior. Lots of pics of Oliver too."

Juniors smiled died down, his lips curving down into a small visible frown as the spotlight shifted to the opposing boy.

"Uh-oh. Guess that was a secret."

Lexy pouted, "Jake, stop it."

"I'm not doing this." Jake protested, obviously she didn't believe him.

"We all have our secrets, right, Bree?" The woman in the crowd smiled awkwardly, Chucky continuing, "here's Lexy's search history. Apparently, she's botox curious, she's into pokémon porn, and look what she keeps Googling."

Jake glanced down at the phone before looking back at the doll, "Why do my farts smell so good?"

"Adorable." Chucky cackled loudly.

Lexy ran up to them for a second time, but instead she ripped the phone right out of the dolls hand, stomping off the stage angrily.

"It's contagious, isn't it? Laughing at people. Well, guess what, dickheads. Now the jokes on you."

The principal hurried onto the stage, gently tugging Jake's arm as she removed him from the stage.

"You're all a bunch of fucking assholes. I'm out of here." Chucky finished.

The crowd cheered, whistled, and was in a complete trance with Jake's suspected ventriloquism.

Ruby sat there wide-eyed, standing up as she hurried out of the crowded room, looking all around for the curly headed boy and his new partner in crime.

"Jake!" She called, finally seeing him exiting the school building, she rushed out after him in a hurry, "Jake! Wait up."

He halted, turning to face her, an unreadable expression on his face, he closed his eyes, releasing a sigh, "what the fuck just happened."

authors note <3

okay slay chucky.
also part 2 coming now!

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