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unknown caller.

RUBY SAT ON JAKE'S bed rambling on about her longing school day, he payed to her peppy voice as she spoke, nodding occasionally as he scrolled through his computer.

She watched as he typed something quickly, closing his electronic as he glanced at his phone, seeming to be patiently waiting for something to pop up.

Then, his phone started to buzz, him picking it up and he swiped to answer, bringing it up to his ear as he lifted his pointer finger to his mouth, shushing the rambling girl.

"Hello?" Jake greeted, hesitation in his voice as he leaned back in the old chair.

"Yeah, I'm calling about the doll. What condition is he in?"

Jake stood, walking up to his window, keeping his back turned to a nosy Ruby, "he's good. Really good. Mint, actually."

"Is he there with you now?"

"No, he's sort of in storage." He scratched at his neck awkwardly.

"Is his name Chucky?"

Jake furrowed his brows, parting his lips in a surprise, "Yeah, as a matter of fact, it is. How'd you know?"

"Listen to me carefully. I know this is gonna sound strange, but has anything weird happened lately? I mean, with Chucky."

"Well, this conversations been pretty weird." Jake chuckled, fiddling with the bottom of his colored sweater.

"Be very careful with that doll. Do you understand?"

Jake was in complete confusion as the anonymous man warned him, "what?"

"Have you checked his batteries?"

"What are you talking about?" The boy asked, pulling his brows together once more.

"Wait, hold on a second. Hello? Is somebody there?"

Suddenly, a beeping could be heard from the other side, the mystery man hanging up, leaving Jake in complete shambles as he still had so many unanswered questions.

"Ok. What the fuck was that?" Ruby ran her fingers through the ends of her dark hair, raising her brows as her best friend sat at his deck again.

Jake began to type rapidly, his facial features stern, and concentrated.

Good Guy Doll Violence

Surprisingly, many articles popped up, Ruby sliding off the bed to glance over his shoulder at the bright screen, he clicked on one article, an eery picture popping up that formed goosebumps on their skin.

A little boy held the familiar doll, his face flat, but impeccably terrifying.


Jake shut his computer, turning his head to look at the girl, she shook her head slightly as she stepped back.

"It's obviously fake. Chucky isn't real. It's made up. C'mon." Ruby scoffed, back-flopping onto his bed in exhaustion.

"Maybe. But, it's past your curfew, again. You're mom is gonna kill you, Rubs. You really should get going." Jake suggested, closing his blinds as he leaned against them.

She sighed loudly, the thought of being her house made her stomach turn, she sat up, a clear pout on her heart shaped lips.

"I'll walk you." Jake offered, reaching out a hand for her to grasp as he helped her up, shutting his door softly behind them as they crept down his staircase.

As they approached her front door, Ruby turned around to look at him, "Can I please stay the night at your place? I really don't wanna be here."

"What about Rubin?"

"I'll check on him." Ruby insisted, "I'll grab clothes for school tomorrow. Wait here."

She gripped the doorknob, slowly turning it open, limiting the noise.

Her mother laid on the couch, snoring loudly, another empty bottle of liquor by her, she rolled her eyes as she headed up the carpeted stairs.

Ruby peaked her head into her brother room, seeing her fast asleep, a mountain of covers toppling over him. She hurried to her bedroom, grabbing the backpack tucked away in the corner of her closet.

She was always prepared for night like these. Ruby and staying at her house was never something she liked, or rarely ever did.

The backpack was thrown over her shoulder, hurriedly she skipped down the steps, rushing for her front door as she heard her mother stir.

"Let's go." Jake rubbed his eyes, nearly yanking her down the concrete steps of her house, the two entering his home.

She set her bag down, crawling to the free space closest to the wall, her eyes fluttering shut as the lights went out, feeling the bed dip beside her,

"Thanks, Jake." She whispered, her eyes now fully shut as she buried herself into the comfort of his mattress.

"Anytime." He nodded.

The two drifted off into a deep sleep, maybe one of the last nights that they'd ever be able to sleep peacefully, or maybe even the last sleepover they'd ever get to have.

Guess we'll just find out....

authors note <3

so basically my mental health went
completely downhill after watching the
season finale of chucky.
also very sad bc i have nothing to
look forward to every week now...

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