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lost and found?

RUBY GAWKED AS SHE observed the atmosphere around her, the four spread out around the garbage disposal as they searched for the redhead.

"What are the chances he burned to death?" She asked, glancing up the friends who were in just as much disgust.

They all cringed as they examined the toxic waste complied on top of each other, Devon handing the blonde a pair of gloves.

Immediately, Lexy shook her head, making a gagging noise, "No way, this is disgusting."

"I don't know what's worse, stabbed with a butcher knife or a used needle. But we have to be sure." Ruby sighed, scratching the back of her neck.

"I'll do it. It's my mess." Jake offered, taking the gloves from the girl.

Ruby frowned slightly, placing her hand on top of his to stop him, "We're in this together."

"Together." Lexy flashed a smile.

The machinery turned loudly, the bags growing larger as more came shooting down, the latex gloves were now on the brunette girls hands as she'd chosen to take the fall.

"Maybe we‐‐you know, we could wait for him to come for us." Lexy suggested, her hands at her sides as she looked around.

"He can't stay down there forever." Jake replied flatly.

Lexy's face slowly fell as she mumbled to herself, "He cant?"

"What exactly are the rules for supernaturally possessed dolls?" Ruby cocked a brow, placing her hands on the edge of the rusting bin.

"Hey, guys, I have an idea." Jake blurted, catching the desperate group's attention, "I'll get him out. Lexy and Ruby, dig. Devon, keep watch."

Lexy hummed in disagreement, "Uh‐uh. No, absolutely not. There's like seven diseases down there."

"Did you not just say "together"?" Ruby narrowed her eyes at the undecided blonde who just rolled her eyes.

"You do it." She shot back with her arms crossed, Devon nodding as he took up her offer.

He took the gloves back from the girl once again, "Fine by me. Ready to take him down if he jumps out?"

Her face fell as she grabbed the latex back from him, the two girls sliding their fingers into the gloves as they leaned over the edge of the bin.

"Just follow my lead." Jake nodded before glancing quickly around the bin.

Ruby and Lexy dug their hands into the bin, pushing and throwing bags across the room, the stench them both cringe as they held back gags.

Devon's eyes darted from place to place, ready for the moment that the doll would jump out and strike.

"Ugh, so gross!" Lexy complained loudly, scrunching her face as she continued to dig deeper.

Any sudden movement had Ruby paranoid, not only for the safety of her friends but for the safety of herself. She knew deep down that Chucky would kill her either way, didn't matter if they had blood relation or not. For crying out loud! He killed his own mother.

After hours of searching, there was no turn up of the doll. They satanized their hands until their fingertip became numb, the strong smell surely taking over the stench of toxic waste.

Ruby was still in complete disgust as she rubbed in the clear, raspberry scented hand sanitizer that Lexy had brought with her, attempting to scrub away abt remeber of what she'd just dug through.

"This is so unsanitary." Ruby grumbled as she rubbed her hands together, keeping a stern look on her face.

Jake shot her a side glance which she just dismissed.

Night was approaching quickly, the school bell would be ringing in just over ten hours and the teens were running on little to no sleep.

Ruby followed Jake out of the hospital, crossing her arms over her chest, "I'll just go back to my house and meet up with you tomorrow at school."

"Hey." Jake reached for her arm, causing her to halt her steps as she turned to face him, "I don't feel comfortable letting you walk home this late especially with everything going on. Just spend the night at Junior's. Please."

She soon gave him, herself not feeling brave enough to walk to streets of the crumbling town alone.

authors note <3
i'm trying to update as much as i can!!
but enjoy <3 love you guys so much!

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