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Getting over it.

two weeks after the death.

To say that Ruby was a wreck couldn't even describe the state she was in.

Visiting the boys grave every chance she got, skipping dinners to sit on the bare dirt, stealing flowers from her neighbors garden, loosing sleep from crying over it.

She never went a day without thinking of him or replaying the traumatizing image of him taking his last breathe holding her hands.

Ruby stood in front of the tombstone, holding the poorly wrapped flowers, the zip tie holding on barely as she dusted off the top of the stone, sitting down cross legged.

She placed the flowers down in front of him, bringing her pointer finger over the carved in italics.


His grave was the tallest as it sat in the middle of his father Logan's and mother Bree. It made everyone's stomach turn, an entire family gone within less than a few months. All because of some dumb plastic doll.

Ruby had went through her grieving stage, or so she felt, now all she felt was the anger. Constantly thinking of ways to end Chucky or make him suffer more than he had gotten.

What had irked her most was that he was her family, her own blood had killed the boy she loved. She felt at fault for it in a way, the blame and guilt eating her up.

A hand placed on her shoulder, her body not flinching for a second, everything felt numb.

"Hey, Rubs." Jake sat beside her, dusting off his hands, looking between the grave and her.

"Hey." She said more quietly, her voice horse as she held the flowers close to her.

Jake moved closer to his friend, "Are you all packed?"

She nodded, moving her eyes from the dark grave in front of her to the soft eyes of the boy, "Yeah. I'm leaving in a few hours. Just thought I'd stop to say goodbye."

"It's not goodbye, Rubs. You know he's with all the time, right? And you know that Lexy, Devon and I will always be here for you. No matter if you're 2,780 thousand miles away." Jake placed a hand on her clothed knee.

Ruby chuckled, tucking her hair behind her ear, "Thanks, Jake. Thank you for everything. I'm really gonna miss you."

"I'm gonna miss you too." He smiled at her, "You're always welcome back in Hackensack whenever you want. It's gonna feel really empty without you here. I can already feel it."

"I know. As much as I don't want to go, It's just what's best for my family and I. Plus, my moms finally got a stable job down in California. Just because I'm far doesn't mean I won't call everyday." Ruby laid her head on his shoulder, his arm wrapping around stomach.

He shook his head, "You better or else I'm tracking you down."

The two laughed, poking fun at each-other till it slowly turned to night, her head peering up as the familiar car rolled up to the entrance of the cemetery.

Lexy and Devon hurried to the two, hugging them both tightly.

Ruby had felt genuinely good for once, forgetting about the hole she dug herself into for those three weeks.

Her mothers truck came to a stop, the horn beeping twice as she signaled for her daughter.

Ruby stood, along with the others.

She hugged them all, each hug getting tighter and tighter.

"I love you guys." She beamed, tears coming to her eyes, "If that son of a bitch ever comes back, call me."

She walked off, her friends screaming their goodbyes as she opened the back door, her brother sitting in his car seat, half passed out while holding a baggie of snacks.

She chuckled at him, rolling down her window as she waved her hand to them.

Just for that split second, she saw him. His brown hair messy, his eyes bright, a large smile on his face, he watched her until she drove past.

She clutched the necklace around her neck, she could feel him, his presence, even his touch.

He would always be there. Even if she didn't want him to be.

But she knew, she'd see him again. Maybe not in another life, but he'd be there.


Thank you for all of the endless love you've
given me on this story. I truly love and appreciate
every single one of you.
I hope you've enjoyed this book as much as I did.
Maybe I'll see you for the next season...

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