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The home visit

RUBY WASN'T IDEALLY COMFORTABLE hanging out with the doll that had tried to murder her friends, but frankly, she was to terrified to speak against him.

She stood close to Junior, his arm securely around her back, walking into the home of Tiffany, she laid on the ground, a unfamiliar woman standing over her, the two seeming to be in a struggle.

"She's right, bro. We need her. And I'm kinda used to having her around." Chucky cackled, the two shooting their heads up at the sound of his recognizable voice.

A smile plastered across the blondes face, "Sweetface."

"Help her up." Chucky ordered the short haired woman, his tone sharp and demanding.

"Yeah, help me up, asshole." Tiff scoffed, bringing brought up to her feet she turned to the woman, "Fuck you, Chucky. Thank you, Chucky."

Ruby's brows shot up in surprise, her chin resting on the boys shoulder as they just watched in pure amusement.

"Come to Mama, come to Mama!" Tiffany opened her arms for the doll, which came running to her with giggles, "Who's a good little Good Guy? Who's a good little Good Guy?"

Chucky glanced down at her cleavage, his eyes going wide as he smirked, "Looking good, doll."

"You're not looking so bad yourself, Sweetface." Tiff laughed, kissing his cheek as she set him down.

Junior glanced at the girl leaning on him, the two holding in their own laughter as they shook their heads, grins on their faces.

"So where are they?" Chucky asked with a cocked brow, looking around the furnished home.

"They're right downstairs." Tiff cheered, swaying her hips as she began to lead them down to a steep staircase, "Follow me."

Ruby intertwined her fingers with the brunette boy, keeping herself close to him as they followed them, her heart nearly jumping out of throat.

"Watch your step. We wouldn't want to have any accidents." The blonde woman chuckled, her heels clicking as she lead them into a large room.

Ruby tucked her hair behind her ear, Junior holding her hand as he walked in front of her, the two stopping at the edge of the couch.

"Chucky, it worked." Tiff spoke in awe, gesturing to the large number of Chucky dolls staring directly at them.

"Thanks to my pal here, Mr. Patricide. Proud of him.
Now, he's gonna do his friend." Chucky grinned evilly, his eyes darting behind them.

Ruby turned around, her eyes going wide as she saw her friend with tape covering his mouth, tied up as he struggled sitting upright in an old chair.

"Dev?" Ruby gulped, stepping towards him until Junior yanked her back to his side, his jaw clenching as he stared at the boy with fear.

"You want me to kill Devon?" Juniors voice shook slightly as he turned to the doll, his hands growing sweaty as he clutched Ruby's hand desperately.

Chucky seemed to debate on it, humming to himself before answering, "Not yet. He could still be useful."

"Are you ready to meet the troops, Chucky?" Tiff smiled largely, turning to the two teens who stood by the edge of the couch, "Take a seat love birds."

Ruby folded her hands into her lap, Junior sitting behind her as he pressed his palm into her knee, needing to keep her comfort on him.

"Pretty soon, the good guys are gonna come for him, and then, we're gonna party like it's 1999." Chucky hollered happily, sharing laughter with the two women sitting before him.

"What does that mean?" Junior asked, confused as he stared at the doll dumbfounded.

Chucky laughed, "We're gonna fuck 'em up. And then, vaya con Dios. Kill 'em all. Any questions?"

One doll stepped up, his hand slightly in the air to catch the others attention, "Is there an age limit? On potential victims?"

"Good question. No babies. We're not savages. And they make better stooges anyway. Anyone else?" Chucky replied, standing on the wooden table, facing the crowd.

Another hand went up, "Uh, yeah. Could you define "baby"? I mean, they can get pretty wily once they start walking."

"Well, let's just say nobody under the age of five or six.
Fair enough?" Chucky bargained with the group, raising his brows.

"What about twins? Those freaks will gang up on you. I mean, two against one? That's not a fair fight. Am I right?" Another doll said, making the rest cheer in agreement.

Ruby kept her head down, picking the red polish off her nails as her leg bounced up and down, her head shooting up as she heard glass clink.

Tiff set down a plate of cookies, holding one up as she taunted the boy being held hostage, "No cookies
for bad little boys."

Ruby didn't dare to touch the cookies, even if they looked delicious, she wasn't taking the risk of being poisoned. She was already fearing for her life by sitting with them.

"Don't get me started on Andy Barclay, bro. You should have seen the look on his face when I whacked his babysitter." Chucky laughed, talking to Nica.

"Chucky, Chucky, Chucky, Chucky, we did it! Chucky!" Tiff attempted to get the dolls attention, growing angry as the two spoke only to one another.

Chucky glanced up at her, pausing his conversation with Nica, "In a minute. Ah, Jesus Christ, huh? So what's all this been like?"

"You wouldn't believe the amount of tail I get like this." Nica cackled, Chucky joining in as he cursed underneath his breathe.

"Dick, too." Tiff blurted, making the room fall silent, "You know, Chucky, you really need to get over yourself. You are the most self-involved man I have ever met in my entire life."

Chucky cocked a brow, "Are you taking to me?"

"Or me?" Nica asked.

"Well, strictly speaking, neither one of you is a man at all. A real man would know how to treat a lady!" Tiff ranted, her voice loud and harsh.

Chucky looked the woman up and down, a sly smirk on his face as he spoke, "But I don't see no lady."

f off chucky

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