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The mayor's night.

RUBY RAN HER PALMS over the knee length black dress, the cream colored cardigan sliding off her shoulders as she struggled to tie her converse.

"We're gonna be late, Ru! Come on!" Anne yelled from downstairs, "The cars been running for twenty minutes!"

"Coming!" Ruby shouted, hurrying down the steps and following her mother out the front door.

Tonight had been a whole night dedicated to the mayor of Hackensack, most people showing up for support, other showing up to see how much of a shit town they lived in.

Rubin sat buckled up in the backseat, playing with a spider-man action figure as his mother sped down the empty roads, flying towards there destination.

Once they'd arrive, Ruby unbuckled her seatbelt quickly, her mother walking beside her as her little brother trailed in front of them.

The entire room was filled with people, she spotted the curly headed boy seated beside the two others, she leaned over to het mother, "I'm gonna go sit with Jake. I'll meet up with you guys in a bit."

Ruby bid goodbye to her family as she excused herself as she passed the seated people, her body hitting another as she exited one of the aisle.

"Oh, shit. Sorry." She cursed, peering her head up, her eyes flickered between the familiar brown ones, a warm smile on the boys face.

"Watch where you're going, Ruby." Junior teased, playfully pushing her shoulder, making the two chuckle.

Lexy turned her head at the sound of his laughter, furrowing her brows as she watched the way the two gazed at one another, it made her scoff before facing the stage.

"I'm sitting right over there if you'd like to join me? I'm all by myself. I kinda look like a loser." Junior stuffed his hands in his pockets.

"Well, maybe you just are a loser." Ruby shrugged, watching him roll his eyes, "But sure. I'm not really on the best of terms with my friends anyways."

The two sat beside each other, staring at the empty stage as the awaited for the arrival of the mayor.

Soon enough, a light came down on stage, applause echoing throughout the spacious room as the blonde woman stepped out into the brightness, "Good evening, everyone. Thank you all for coming tonight. As your mayor, I wanted to take this opportunity to speak to you about the recent series of unfortunate accidents in this community. First, thoughts and prayers for anyone who has lost an acquaintance
or loved one."

The audience murmured at her choice of words, Ruby crossing her arms over her chest as she leaned back in the wooden seats.

"Second, I am here to tell you that Hackensack has never been safer. We are still the best darn big little city in America. It's important that you understand that I am doing everything in my power to keep you all
happy and healthy. Because nothing is more important to me than family."

Eveyone began to boo the woman on stage, accusing and blaming her for the murders, the woman's face fell.

The police chief stood tall as she took over the mic, shushing the angry people, "Quiet, please. This is about the ongoing investigation into every one
of these recent deaths. This is about the curfew which goes into effect tonight. But most of all, it's about getting to the bottom of this so that we can all
live our lives without living in fear. Now, before I answer your questions, and I'll stay long enough
to answer every one of them, Principal McVey would like to say a few word."

Minutes passed, the principal no where in sight as the crowd sat patiently.

Ruby turned to Junior with furrowed brows, "Is she even there?"

They turned back, the curtains drawing open, the woman's head rolling down the stage, her headless body sitting upright in a chair,

Everyone shrieked with fear and panic as they stood up, Ruby herself gripping the boy beside her as the sight was haunting.

Junior grabbed her hand as he yanked her up from her seat, rushing to get themselves out of the room, the image staying ingrained.

Ruby's heart was pounding in her chest, her eyes darting everywhere as she watched the people pour out of the room, horrified screams and cries as they fled in fear.

She felt a hard squeeze, glancing up at the floppy haired boy as he gave her a small comforting nod, continuing to lead her out of the exit.

Lexy passed the two, furrowing her brows at their closeness, she scoffed under her breath as she approached them.

"Is this why you've been acting weird? You're leaving me for her?" She crossed her arms over her chest with a cocked brow.

Ruby quickly yanked her hand from his as she stood awkwardly, "What? No. Juniors just my friend. He's your boyfriend."

Juniors face fell lighty at her words, he clenched his jaw as he looked up at the blonde, "We just got freaked out. We're nothing more than friends. I mean, we're barley even friends. You're the one I love."

Lexy smiled largely, cupping his cheek gently, "Awe. I should have never doubted you."

Ruby felt sick to her stomach watching the two melt over one another, she rolled her eyes before turning her back to them, rushing away from the boy.

Maybe he was just a soulmate that's wasn't meant to be.

i love seeing your comments they are so entertaining
to read through
some of your fan theories got me thinking hard. 

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