Oh dear.

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We were walking with the group of carollers down the street and we were nearing Old Man Fuller's house.
"I say we skip Old Man Fuller's house. Nobody wants to sing to his old, mean behind." Bill told.
"Can't hear the song over his cussing anyway." Winnie added.
"So what's with Old Man Fuller?" Spencer asked as we walked a bit behind Gus' parents.
"Cranky old guy who likes no one. Shawn tried to start a thing when we were younger that he ate children." I explained.
"He always creeped me out." Peter told.
"I'm sure he's not that bad." Edith stated.
"Ask Gus." I told knowing he was going to anyway.
"Her and Shawn left me after they put me in his yard to get my new basketball."
"No no. Shawn put you in his yard and dragged me away. I suggested we just ask him for it back but you two didn't want to listen to me."
"Why does that make so much sense for your childhood?" Spencer questioned making me chuckle.
"Just does." I told before Shawn ran up ahead to the front of his house and stood on the front steps leading up from the sidewalk.
"Oh, come on, you guys! We're all adults now. Can't we let bygones be bygones? Even Old Man Fuller can use some Christmas spirit! Come on!" He exclaimed before leading the way up to the porch as everyone began to start singing 'We wish you a merry Christmas' and Shawn knocked on the front door. "Mr. Fuller!"
"He would have been throwing rocks at us by now if he were here." Gus told.
"Yeah, something doesn't feel right." I added.
The group began to start singing again and Shawn opened the front door. Once we saw the inside everyone stopped when we all saw Fuller hanging by a rope from the second floor bannister.
'Holy shit!'
"Damn it." Me and Spencer told as one knowing we were probably going to be helping with this.
"You gonna call Aaron?" I asked.
"Just to let him know what's happened." Spencer told getting his phone to call him.

I was standing with Shawn and Gus in the living room, while my siblings waited outside and Spencer talked with Aaron about the issue we have. Of course the police were investigating and Lassie was on the second floor examining the rope.
"Yeah, it's an apparent suicide, but, uh, we're still working the scene." Lassie told to someone.
I began to sneeze a few times into my arm, making Shawn hand me my tissues.
"Bless you." He told as I accepted them.
"Thanks. For both." I told as I began to clean my nose before Spencer got off the phone and came over to us.
"Hotch got back."
"He says to keep him updated and that Penelope is on standby incase we need her help. And that everyone on the team has been notified that they may need to come down to help."
"Cool cool. I hope they don't need to, I don't want to ruin their Christmas."
"They'll understand. It happens."
I felt a hand on my head making me turn to look at Fullers body on the body bag.
"See what I see?" Shawn quietly asked so no one heard.
"The bleeding mark or the stain on his shirt?"
"Both." He told before we both looked over at a chair with a small table in front of it.
There was a broken tea cup on the floor, and on the are of the chair rested a TV guide that was opened to show upcoming shows where some were circled.
"Dude, what if this wasn't suicide? What if this was murder?" Shawn quietly asked.
"Shawn, it's Christmas time. Can you please leave work at the office? They've already moved on." Gus told.
"Yeah I would rather not work on our holidays due to us not getting many." I added.
"Agreed." Spencer added.
"Look, there is no way that an 80-year-old man in Fuller's condition could have hoisted himself over that bannister. And check it out. He was clearly looking forward to watching some TV tonight. While he ate his lobster." Shawn explained.
"You may be on to something." Gus admitted.
"Plus, I psych it up nice for your parents, they might be impressed, you know? Put on a little dance. Maybe they realize I'm not such a bad influence after all."
"Which may get them off my case for deciding to go into business with you."
"Now you're feeling me, you convertible LeBaron." Shawn told before they fist-bumped and I sneezed again.
"Bless you." They all told.
"Thanks. I don't know why I'm sneezing so much here." I told as I got a tissue to clean up the snot.
"I'll be honest. I kinda wish your father was like Gus' parents." Spencer told.
"Agreed." We told as one before the door opened and Henry peered in.
"Are you guys coming or what?" He asked us.
"Sure thing, Pop." Shawn told as he took my hand in his before we began to head to the door.
We ended up walking slowly towards the door as the gurney was wheeled over. Shawn of course turned around and held his hand out.
"Stop! I'm sensing something." He told making Henry enter the room and Gus had his parents and my siblings ushered in.
"What is it, Shawn? Is it like the other 26 and a half crimes we solved for the police department?" Gus asked before Shawn grabbed a Santa hat and held it with both of his hands.
"I'm sensing a struggle. Oh, please!" He told before smacking the pom-pom at the top of it knocking it over. "Fuller's unconscious."
"No, he was just an old man with a little soft skull." Gus told.
"How could he have survived then?" I added to help.
Shawn began to mine rope being wrapped around the top of the hat, groaning as he did.
"Oh, someone's wrapping a rope around his neck! What I'm sensing here, ladies and gentlemen, is murder." He told as Lassie came over to us.
"Spencer, old people are always offing themselves during the holidays." He stated.
"Oh my god. Maybe Stanley is one." I told making Spencer pinch the bridge of his nose.
"Well, according to CSU, Shawn might be right." Buzz told.
"Colorado State University?"
"Crime scene unit." Me, Gus and Spencer told as one.
"Them too."
"Let me see that." Lassie told as he took the notepad from Buzz and began to read it. "Blunt force trauma, signs of struggle."
"My Lord. He really is psychic." Bill told as he looked towards Shawn.
"Maybe we were wrong about the boys working together... This time." Winnie added making Gus make a face of success behind his parents backs.
I began to have another sneezing fit making them all say bless you to me and I gave a thumbs up as thanks.
"Right. Get him outta here. It's an open crime scene, people, I need witness statements from each and every one of you carolers." Lassie told before checking his watch. "Crap, I'm running late."
"Lassie, come on, man. Handle your business. Gus and I will take 'em down to the station tomorrow." Shawn told.
"We have passes." Gus added.
"Which practically makes us co-workers." Shawn stated before he leaned an arm on Lassies shoulder. "Isn't that right, Big L?"
Lassie didn't say anything but took Shawn's pinkie and pulled it backwards, causing Shawn to scream out. When Lassie finally let go, he just walked towards the door.
"That hurt, man!" Shawn exclaimed making Lassie glare at him before leaving.
"Bye Carlton!" Peter shouted as he waved him bye.
"But when they cut us, we bleed blue." Shawn added and of course I sneezed again.
'Oh lords this is not how I thought I'd spend Christmas..... beats Valleyfever. Except the god damn sneezing.'

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