Round 2 of sneezes.

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"She most certainly is Shawn." I told as trimmed some of the bushes and trees while Spencer scrubbed the shed, Shawn struggled to push the old-fashioned lawn mower and Gus watered the plants.
"Oh, and make sure to water the gardenias. I've had them longer than you've been alive." Gladys told as she stepped out onto the porch and I sneezed into my arm.
Gus gave her a fake laugh as she went back inside. We continued to do the work till Shawn gave up pushing the lawnmower in frustration.
"This is ridiculous! She should've just accepted the $5 refund offer." Shawn stated.
"How's the shed coming?"
"I can not tell if I'm making any difference." He admitted.
"We need to be solving my dad's case." Gus told as I sneezed. "Are you sure your not catching anything?"
"I swear I'm not."
"Didn't you sneeze a lot last time we did this?" Shawn questioned.
"Think so. Hard to...." I began to tell before I cut myself off with a sneeze. "Remember."
Spencer came over to me and gave me some tissues while Shawn looked over towards Fuller's house and most likely saw something.
"Dudes." He told before walking over to the gate and peered through. "There's somebody in Old Man Fuller's house."
We rushed over and Gus pushed Shawn aside, quickly leaving through said gate.
"I can't believe we're gonna bail on the Mitchells' yard again." Shawn stated.
"Come on!" Gus exclaimed making us creep out of the gate after Gus.
"I feel bad." Spencer admitted.
"I just need a break from the sneezing." I stated.

The four of us jogged up the front stairs and Gus cautiously reached for the front door, only for it to opened before he touched it. A lady that was dressed in a business suit holding a clipboard in her hands, stepped outside and closed the door behind her.
"Who are you, and what are you doing here?" Gus asked.
"I should ask you the same thing." She told giving me and Shawn a look at the hand-drawn landscape plans for the front yard of the place.
"My name's Shawn. This is my partner, Skooney "U-turn" Singleton, she's Ashley who is also my girlfriend and our other friend, Baby face McGee. We're from Dirty Boy Landscaping. I got a call from your office, said you needed some estimates on some renovations." Shawn told and I knew Spencer was regretting joining us for this.
"You guys are fast. I just left word at the office saying I needed a landscape architect. You know, I cold-called this geezer for years pushing him to sell, and he always refused. Finally it's available." She explained.
'Yeah she's not the girl. Too obvious.'
"Really?" Gus questioned.
"What's so special about this place?" Shawn asked.
"It's the only lot in the neighborhood with 360-degree unobstructed views." She explained as she walked to the edge of the porch and looked out at the street. "It'll sell for a fortune."
Once she said that we all gave each other a look from what she was saying for this.
"Don't worry, this yard will be immaculate when we're done. Bye-bye." Gus told.
"Be in touch." She told before she went back inside.
Once the door was shut we all dropped the act and made our way down the steps.
"You hear her, Shawn? She's been cold-calling for years. And she stands to make a fortune on this place. That's motive. Right?" Gus suspected making us stop on the sidewalk.
"Yeah, yeah."
"It's gotta be her. What more do we need? Let's get the cops on it right away." Gus told.
"I, I guess it wouldn't, uh, hurt to have them do a cursory background check. Maybe, maybe look... Look at the phone records." Shawn told in slight defeat from Gus being relentless with trying to get his father off of the crime.
"Right." He told before slapping Shawn on the back and hurrying to my car.
"Yeah. Okay." Shawn spoke before slowly following him.
"Shawn!" I told making him turn to look at me, while Spencer continued to give us privacy. "She's not the person."
"How do you know?"
"A) human lie-detector. B) I know when people are hiding something. The hot realestate lady ain't hiding shit."
"I still don't believe all of that." He stated.
"Then how do I know you got Henry a snow globe?"
"You saw my bills."
"No I just know you guys."
"Name one thing I haven't told anyone."
"The week my aunt came to get me to accept the job, you thought about proposing to me. You even stole your grandmothers ring from the draw Henry keeps it in, incase there was that perfect moment. But, you stopped yourself. I don't want to know why, I didn't even want to know you were going to do it."
"Pfft. No." He told trying to convince me I didn't just guess the whole thing.
"Is your Christmas gift purposing?"
"No. I have a better gift."
"I swear if it's a mr.blobby snow globe, I will murder you."
"Stop guessing things. You'll ruin the surprise." He told taking my hand and pulling me closer so we could quickly kiss. "Also, I didn't purpose cause I thought it was too early for that."
"Come on, psychic. We gotta call the po-po."

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