Chapter 13

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Lisa's POV

i still find it hard to believe my eyes. he is sitting just a few footsteps away from me. I hope he understands that how badly i want to just run into his arms and hug him and tell him that i miss him and Kara and Jenna.

i wanna tell him what happened with me and how I ended up like this, but the emotions in his eyes were reflecting hurt and disappointment.

oh Kayden please don't take me wrong. he takes a deep breath and turn his face away from me and it felt like someone stabbed me in my heart.

"good evening Mr. Blackwood. what a great surprise. I didn't knew our Damian boy was so grown up already." an old and raspy voice said. I turned to look who owned it and a man in his late 50's stood next to the table we were sited at.

"Good evening Carl... Long time no see." Mr. Blackwood said with a hint of annoyance in his tone. Maybe he hates this guy.

"Yea... i was off, taking care of a business at Russia." he said and his eyes turned to Damian and then they drifted at me. i felt a bit uncomfortable underneath his stare.

"How did your business..... go?" Damian said wearing a spot look on his face. i looked at Mason and Daniel and they both were also giving him cold looks. guess everyone hates this guy.

his eyes drifted from me to Damian who was sitting right next to me and he plastered a fake smile on his face before answering him.

"Very great." he said and glanced at me again before looking at Mr. Blackwood. "I should get going now. enjoy." he said before giving me another look before walking away.

"Damian." Mr. Blackwood said in a cold voice and he turned to look at his father. ""Did you invite him?" Mr. Blackwood asked still looking in Carl's direction.

"No father, I didn't." he said and Mr. blackwood hummed in response. there was a moment of silence before he spoke up again.

"keep an eye on him boys. I have a feeling he is up to something." He said and looked at Mason and Daniel who nodded in response.

my eyes went in Kayden's direction again and saw him already looking at me. i gave him a sad smile and he stood up walking away in other direction. i felt a pang in my chest as he walked away.

i should go and tell him that whatever he's thinking is wrong. i may be sitting with him as his wife but i know how I'm sitting next to him and what my heart is going through seeing him so close yet so far from me.

i feel a hand on mine and i turn to see Damian already looking at Kayden as he walks away. My heart dropped as he gave me a warning look and i can feel him fuming next to me.

oh please no.......

he leaned in close to my ear and i freeze in my spot scared to even breath loud. "Don't even think about it. unless you want your pal dead."

He whispers and i closed my eyes as i try to control the tears that try to escape my eyes. Why is he doing this to me.


The sun was down and it was 8:54PM, almost everyone had left only a few people were there standing next to Mr. Blackwood as they talked and laughed.

the chilling wind was not so friendly on my skin and i was practically shaking due to cold. Just then Sophy walked up to me and wrapped a shawl around my shoulders.

"Thanks a lot." i said as she smiled. "I saw you were cold so i though that maybe you could use something to keep you warm." she said and stood next ton me.

"The party went very smooth, Mr. Blackwood is really happy." She said as we look at the group of old men and women laughing.

"Those are Mr. Blackwood's college friends, who are now his business partners as well." she said and i nodded.

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