Chapter 29

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Lisa's POV

By the time I woke up Damian was not in the room. Assuming he left for work early, I got dressed in shirt and blue jeans and went downstairs. I walked in the kitchen and saw Elena sitting on the kitchen island, eating an apple and talking to Sophie as she cooked something.

"Good Morning." I say as i join Elena on the kitchen island. "Morning... Someone looks fresh today." Elena said nudging me with her elbow. "Thanks to you." I say and she gives me a side hug.

"You girls remind me so much of myself when I was your age." Sophie said making us smile. "What are you cooking Sophie?" I ask cuz this smell in making me more hungry.

"Pasta." She answered and smiled. "Great." I said. the very next moment Kara and Jenna walked in the kitchen.

"Ooo, I love Pasta." Kara said as she walked in. "Hi" I said hugged them both. "How long have you guys been here?" I asked.

"Oh we just arrived." Kara said. I looked at Jenna and she looked like she had been crying. Her eyes were a bit swelled and she looked like haven't been sleeping too.

"You okay Jenna?" i asked and she lowered her face. I grabbed her hand and took her out of the kitchen as Kara got busy with Elena's cute baby bump. We both walked outside and sat at the chair in the backyard. The weather was quite and Cloudy today. The calm before the storm.

"So, what's wrong?" I ask Jenna. She wiped a tear and looked at me. "I went on a date with the guy." She started. "He was handsome. Exactly shown in the picture he shared. A tall, Charming High school teacher." She explained.

"We had a chat. He was sweet. We were sitting near the fire, he leaned in and kissed me. My heart melted and I really started to like him, but then all of a sudden, out of nowhere his wife shows up with tow kids and drags him away." She said and tears fall from her eyes.

"Oh, Jenna its okay." I said as I hugged her. "I really liked him lis. I don't know what is it with men in my life. No one stays for more them two or three hours. Either I break their nose or they break my heart." She said and cried.

I kept rubbing her back and kept saying soothing words. Poor girl, she is heart broken. Guess she really liked him.

"Lisa." I looked up and Daniel was standing in the doorway. "Someone here to see you." He said. Jenna pulled away and wiped her tears.

I got up and my face litted with happiness. "Alessnadro." I say and hugged him. "Hey, kiddo. How are you?" He said and smiled. "I'm great." I said. A sob from Jenna caught his attention.

"Who is that?" He asked. "She is my best friend. Someone broke her heart." I explained. "That's a shame." He said still focused on her. "You came here alone. Where are others? Are they mad at me?" I asked.

"What, No no, of course not. Why would they be mad at you?" He said. "Well, i refused to go with you guys. I thought that they might not like that." I admitted.

"No my dear, No one is mad at you." He said and focused on Jenna who was sitting outside. What is that look...

"So... what brings you here?" I asked as he kept his arm around my shoulder. "Nothing special, Just wanted to see you." He said and smiled.

"Foods ready." Sophie called out from the dinning room. "Why don't you join us for lunch?" I asked Alessandro who was still focused on Jenna.

"No its fine, I'll be leaving, Got work to do." He said and got up. "Oh, okay." I said.

"I'll come pay a visit again very soon." He said as he hugged me. "Bye."

"Bye. " He said and took a final glance at Jenna before he left making me smirk. Hmm... I wonder if its really true what i saw in his eyes.

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