Final chapter

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Lisa's POV

    I walked down the stairs with a smile. Last night Alessandro came to me and gave me a very cute necklace that had my name on it saying that our mothers middle name was Lisa so she named me that too.

    We talked for a while before he walked off to sleep. He also broke the news of Jenna's pregnancy. It's been two months since they both got engaged and now she was going to be a mother.

    As I reached the dining hall everyone was sitting there. My brothers, My best friends. It made me smile but the only thing missing here was my Damian.  I haven't heard from him in the last six months but today I was feeling really happy for some reason.

   "Good Morning." I said announcing my arrival. Everyone answered and I sat down next to Leonardo. "How are you?" He asked.

     "Great." I smiled. "It's really good to see you smiling my dear." He said, making me grin. He passed me a donut as everyone was busy in some sort of talk.

      Soon Kara's phone went off. She looked at the screen and her smile faded. "Excuse me." She said and walked out.

      A few minutes later when she didn't return I decided to go check on her.
Walking out to the patio I saw her sitting with tears streaming down her face and she was smiling.

     "I love you too, Mason." She said and hearing his name My eyes widened. Oh, my God ... is everything okay. Why is she crying? Is everyone okay? Is Damian ...

     I walked to her and sat down with my hand on her shoulder. She gave me a smile. "Mason, Could you pass the phone to Damian, Lisa is here." She said with a smile and handed me the phone.

    I brought the phone to my ear and moments later I heard his voice. "Lisa...."

    I covered my face trying to contain my sobs. "Damian...."

    "My Angel, How are you? I've missed you so much. I-Im--" He said and stuttered.

   "I'm fine Damian. I'm fine." I said, lost of words. I can't believe I'm actually speaking to him. After all this time.

     "Oh, God. You don't know how it feels to hear your voice once again. After all this time." He said and I could hear the tears of happiness in his voice.

     "I missed you too Damian. I love you so much." I smiled, wiping my tears. "Oh, My angel. I love you more. I want you back in my arms so badly. I just- I just can't wait to see you again." He said.

       "I'm in Chicago, Lisa. I'll be at your place soon. I'll have you with me soon My angel. I'm coming for you." He said. "No- no, I'll- I'll come to you myself Damian, I have so much to tell you. I'm on my way Damian, I'm on my way." I said and without his response I hung up.

     My happiness was at its highest right now. I was so overjoyed. The love of my life... He was waiting for me. I should go.

    Without a word I rushed back to the dining hall. "Alessandro." I ran up to him. "Hey, hey... what's up... What's all the rush." He said.

    "Give me your car keys, NOW." I said smiling. He stood up and frowned. "Lisa, is everything okay my dear." Lorenzo asked. Tears filled my eyes. "Damian is back." I smiled.

    "What... When." Andrea asked. "He just called. said he was in Chicago... I want to go to him." I said.

    "We should go with you as well then." Leonardo said. "Yeah, Just give us a minute." Alessandro said.

     "No... I-I have to be there, I don't want to wait anymore. I've been dying to see him for the last six months. I- Just give me your keys please." I begged. Not wanting to have another reason to wait for even a second.

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