[3] Hoping my feelings, they would drown

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"It was a complete disaster," the white-haired male exclaimed angrily as he threw his arms up in the air. "Of course it wouldn't be that easy to bring such a highly respected villain on our side!"

'Well, what did you expect over some flowers,' Dabi thought as he lazily leaned against the brick wall of their hide-out.

"Urgh, it makes me mad," the former whispered menacingly while scratching his neck.

"Can I go and stab her? Pretty please?" Crazy muttered under her breath, but sounded as euphoric as ever.

This was one of the many moments Dabi questioned his choice of becoming part of the League of Villains. It was too late to quit now though, so he quickly regained his posture and evoked his motives of coming here in the first place again. All this, just because of one single, twisted man. And somehow, his whole life turned to dust.

Ashes, even.

The dark-haired man excused himself by getting some fresh air and went out of their secret underground bar. 'Excuse' in the means of just walking away and getting shouted at by Shigaraki.

✧ ✧* . . ✧ *✧ ✧

"Let's see if I've already deducted the price of this week's hyacinths...," the female thought while going over her notes again. Accountancy can be such a difficult thing. Luckily, she could depend on herself and was soon able to stop all the bureaucratic work. After all, this was the least entertaining part of her job, but seeing the joyful faces of her customers always made the stress go away in an instant.

But not after the encounter some days ago. Her thoughts would always travel back to this peculiar man who was probably around her age. Sure, she had seen unsocial people or 'creepy guys' before, but... he seemed different. Yet she couldn't say how.

Sighing, she stood up from her wooden desk and made her way towards the display for yellow roses. But before the shop's owner could pick up the watering can, the door had already opened and the bell told her again that a new customer had come in.

"Hel-," the female wanted to greet, however she got rather startled as she saw him again. He didn't say anything for quite some time - it almost looked like he was in a huge conflict with himself.

To break the silence, the young woman took up on a topic both of them would understand.

"I hope the flowers did a good job? On capturing the lady, I mean?" Her smile faltered a bit as she saw his face scrunch up only for a split second. The male looked to his side and started stroking his neck. "It didn't, but this doesn't really matter to me." And then, he stared into her (e/c) eyes. "The coffee you made the other day was really good. I came here to ask if you have some left..," he trailed off and somehow, the atmosphere became awkward again.


It wasn't rude in that meaining, but you have to understand. It's normally a customer-only treat.

In this moment, Dabi realized she didn't have a name tag on her apron. Did people usually know what to call her?

'And why do I even want to know that,' he quickly thought afterwards and now he really began to question why he'd come here again. But before Dabi could turn around to leave, the shop's owner had spoken up already.

"Most customers just give me a commission and don't even have the time to drink some coffee, so...," she stared to the ground. "I don't see why I couldn't give you one."

Now that was unexpected. Dabi came here without any big hopes, but it looked like he was kind of welcome here.

The young woman removed the apron from around her waist and hung it up on a nearby wardrobe. The dress she wore underneath really suited the style of the store. Cozy, yet elegant. She led him into the café-like room while saying something like there aren't many customers around this time of day anyways, so it should be no problem if she also drank one cup or two.

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