[12/1] I beg to be drained from the pain I've soaked myself in

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It was late at night and the streets were almost devoid of any people if it weren't for the one or other couple that strolled through the secluded area of the city. The night sky was tainted in a beautiful dark blue and some passing clouds frequently covered the full moon that was brightly shining up there. All in all, it was a quiet time of day in which no one would assume any spontaneous occurrence to happen.

The florist was working on another bouquet and was so bound up in her work, she didn't even realize how late it had gotten. This was the third night in a row she had to work on this project and she was much longer awake than her closing time intended her to be. It was a rather difficult funeral wreath she had to prepare: the mourners made it perfectly clear how they wanted the wreath to look like and it wasn't easy in even one aspect.

'Lilies stand for innocence, hope and purity of the heart. But they can also stand for death. Mercy and forgiveness are also traits of these beautiful flowers,' (Name) reminded herself as she stared at the purple plants she arrayed in a circle around the coronal. They were rather seldom to find in raw nature which was another thing that played into the effort of this order. The clients also wanted blue and white roses to accompany the purple array of plants because the deceased person loved them so ever dearly - alas, the florist still didn't get the hype over roses.

She sighed as she checked the time. 11 o'clock in the evening. The woman bit her lip as she considered stopping her work flow for today, but it wouldn't take her any longer to finish this special commission. They even want her to sprinkle the flowers with white paint, so they'd look like they had little stars on them.

She could still do this tomorrow before she'd hand them over the product. And so, the florist decided to stop her pathological routine of staying up and switched off the lamp that stood on the table of her working room.


This commission wasn't the only reason that made her stay awake for so long. Since the incident with Aizawa one week ago, (Name) could hardly sleep at night because she had to think so much about... just everything that happened.

'A villain that was part of the group that infiltrated us in the forest camp back then,' she repeated Shota's words in her head once more as she stared at the still unfinished product that laid on the table. The young woman didn't realize she had started playing with her fingers as she went over the same thought over and over again.

Dabi is a villain.

(Name) inhaled shakily as she tried, probably for the hundredth time, to resign herself with this fact. But she couldn't.

But what made her upset the most was the fact that she didn't know how to name her emotions. Was she angry? She wasn't sure. Was she sad? Yes, probably. Would she be frightened when the man got into her store again?

The unanswered questions in her head made the poor female even more anxious and she didn't know how much longer she could struggle with them. But the question that upset her the most was...

...if she wanted to see him again? Or was she too scared and should just try to forget everything that happened?

The female slowly shook her head as she stood up from her chair. She cleared the table from her working utensils and carefully swept away the fallen leaves with a broom that her grandmother had already used after a long day of work. (Name) tried to smile at this memory, but she couldn't.

And then, it began to rain. Somehow it accentuated the atmosphere that had already grown thick in the moment the florist switched off the lights before and in an instant, the soft light of the lanterns on the outside didn't seem as comforting as they usually did anymore. The few people that were lingering around on the streets at this late time of day hurried to get away from the sudden wetness.

And with that, it was only (Name) in her shop, staring at a deserted city with only the smell of her beloved flowers to accompany her.

Is it time for doomsday already?

✧ Song: AURORA - Infections Of A Different Kind

Picture credit: Screenshot from Season 5, edited by me

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