[15] The Last Chapter

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It hadn't rained this heavily in a long time or at least not since the florist could remember. To describe the current weather as a monsoon would sound too drastic, especially in this season of year, so we'll just call it a heavy weather.

(Name) sat on the wooden chair next to her shop's counter, as usual. She was impatiently tapping on the coated surface of the desk, having been lost in thoughts since the very morning. Two weeks had passed since Dabi's last appearance and she slowly grew sure of the thought she'd really never see him again.

But she was very wrong. So wrong that the fateful encounter she was going to have in only a few hours would turn her whole life upside down.

✧ ✧* . . ✧ *✧ ✧

The wet wind clashed violently against the windows and (Name) had the valid fear of them breaking any minute. She hurried outside the store to bring her shop sign into safety and almost couldn't open the door again since the storm had grown so strong over the last few hours. In the little time she'd been outside, her whole body became so wet she would have to go upstairs to change clothes.

But to the dismay of her health, she simply wasn't in the mood.

The woman stared at the equally wooden floor and the small puddle that had formed around her feet. Her hair was dripping and the wet spot literally sucked up the few drops that fell on the ground. (Name) didn't care about how her lip slowly began to tremble from the cold and soddenness and she also didn't care about the faint car honking noises that had started on the outside. The female sluggishly turned her head around to stare out of the window with a sad expression, the shifting colours of the traffic lights reflecting on her moist face.

Out of sudden, a huge burst of orange flames erupted on the outside, only for the florist to reflexively fall to the ground and brace her head. She panted fast as she heard the sound of breaking glass on the other side of the street and hesitantly looked up to see if anything of Ranunculus had been destroyed.

Fortunately this wasn't the case.

"I'm not finished with you!" a familiar voice shouted in the distance, followed by rapid footsteps making their way through the puddles of the streets. (Name)'s head shot up and when she saw Endeavor quickly run down on the asphalt, closely followed by Eraserhead. 'That's a combo you don't see quite often,' the florist thought as she hesitantly rose from the ground beneath. She wasn't the type to care about heroes and their daily fights with villains, so she turned around to continue with her work-

"You better stop right where you are!" A familiar male voice shouted and tore the woman away from her thoughts.


The female immediately stormed out of her shop and almost fell twice over her own shaking feet in the process. She followed the sound of erupting flames and shouting voices and had to turn into a few side roads to finally get to see the scene she had already feared to stumble upon. Luckily she could hide behind a few other people that watched the scene, so she wouldn't get discovered by the man she had missed over the past days.

"You all should evacuate right now! A fight is not to be trifled with," Endeavor exclaimed as he stepped closer to Dabi who was standing about 14 metres away from him. Some people did as he said and left the scene with a panicked face, but (Name) still held her ground. Eraserhead wasn't that far from her and she could swear she had seen him briefly look in her direction.

"I couldn't wait to stand face to face with you again, hero," Dabi spat the last word and raised his hands to feel the rain against his skin. He knew he couldn't use his powers when he intended because of Shota Aizawa's presence, but he wouldn't play the defeated one either. "In fact, I want all the world to know what great of a hero you are," he snickered, "so come here people! Come and watch!"

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