[7/1] Life is a mess that makes you mad

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Remember when I said both of them would be alone again? Well, it seems like neither of them could stand the absence of the for the longer term.

"Tell me. What do you think of Hero Killer Stain?"

Dabi had found himself in (Name)'s shop again and must have been more surprised by this than the store's owner itself. After all, she was the one who asked him to come back - so of course she wouldn't be as surprised as him. In fact, she was a bit happy, even. They didn't say much if not anything at all and soon both of them sat down in the already conversant café room.

"I don't think I'll get involved into anything dangerous just by you coming here, Dabi," the female spoke as she poured still water into the two glasses she had previously sat down on the table. "I mean, you had nothing to do with that man..." (Name) trailed off as she realized she shouldn't be so sure about that.

"I don't, that's true," the ravenette responded nonchalantly before taking a sip of the clear liquid. He was glad it wasn't sparkling water - it always had the tendency of stinging his internal burns. He exhaled loudly before setting the transparent thing down again. Many thoughts rambled about the inside of his head and he wasn't one to sort them quickly.

It was already dark outside. Though it wasn't closing time yet, nobody usually comes into a flower shop at this late time of day, so (Name) could be certain they would be alone for the rest of the time he was here. She didn't mind his presence, but after all - she was still confused about his reason for coming here. Which is like, none she knows about.

Dabi had a lot of questions, it almost drove him mad. He wanted to know her view on this world, her opinion on the heroes... yes, even her quirk. Though it wasn't implicitly seen as something unpolite, the adults nowadays tended to leave their quirks to themselves. It was more something for the children to boast about.

He glared at his half-burnt hands as he went over the questions in his head again and again. (Name) noticed his tenseness, but decided it was for the better if she didn't interfere. In the end, the male cracked his knuckles (which made the florist more or less nervous) and inhaled the wild scents around him deeply - there were so many smells to discover in this shop, it could be a whole ecosystem on its own.

"What are your favourite flowers?" the young man's turquoise eyes gazed at the warm yellow light emanated by the securely hung up lightbulbs. The more he looked at this shop, the stronger got the comfortable feeling that lingered around the air.

"Hmmm...," the woman hummed in response, thinking of a valid answer. She didn't even need to look around her shop to get an idea of what her favourite flower might be.

"I really adore (F/Flower)," she soon answered. "They somehow radiate a feeling of home, but I can't put my finger on it." And so, she smiled at him. "What flowers do you like, Dabi?" The female clutched the white mug in her hands a bit stronger, allowing her body feel all the warmth.

Said Dabi began stroking his neck as he didn't know an answer to this.

"I guess I'm not too well informed in this field to decide on a favourite flower," he replied honestly.

The florist tilted her head at this, resulting in some streaks of her hair hanging more sideways. "Maybe you'd like hydrangeas, but it's up to you." And with that, she moved her neck back and took a small sip of her hot chocolate. It was delicious, as always.

Dabi allowed himself to slightly smile at this and in that exact moment, he felt the strange emotion of bygone days, but it was only for a short matter of time. He immediately forgot what had even broken in his mind before he was able to grasp it.

The Quaintest of All (Dabi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now