[14] When I am with you, I feel flames again

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A small interlude: Calm before the storm.

He returned at nightfall the day right after. (Name) didn't expect to see him so soon again after having found the key to her store right in front of the entrance door some time after the incident. But fate was a fickle thing that didn't let go of the people that had fallen into its scattered net.

"You know it's a lousy tactic to always say you shouldn't come here anymore and then returning nonetheless," the female chuckled sadly as she held the door open for the male she got to like so much. He smiled in response, but it was as strained as the woman's chuckle before. Dabi noticed the shards of the broken vase that formerly laid across the floor weren't there anymore, so the last time he was here seemed even further away than it already was.

"I really like your store, (Name)," the male spoke as he inspected the flowers like it was the last time he'd ever get to look at them.

"Yeah, me too," she responded quietly and put her arms behind her back. She didn't feel unsafe in his presence, but the stiffness since ... last time still wasn't fully away. "What did you do to him?" She asked as she leaned onto a bookshelf that was more there for decoration than simple reading.

"I didn't kill him," Dabi lied and therefore avoided her gaze. "I merely made him unable to walk, so that he can't come to your store so easily anymore."

The books rustled as the florist briefly brushed against them. "So you burnt his legs?" Her eyebrows were furrowed as she imagined the horrible pain her ex must have been in.

"Something like that, yes," the ravenette answered quickly and fell silent afterwards. His turquoise orbs darted across the room, taking in the countless numbers of colourful plants before finally locking with the florist's (eye colour) ones. She didn't seem as upset as he expected her to be.

"I see," she finally spoke as she pushed herself away from the wall she was leaning on. Her expression told the male she was thinking hard about perhaps everything, so he didn't interfere with her gathering her thoughts and remained silent.

"I would have though if it weren't for you," the man added when the silence finally got too much. The female's eyes widened for a brief moment. Was she able to make him a better person? It seems like that, even if the circumstances were still a bit too much to handle for the average person.

"Thank you for sparing him."

Silence, again.

Dabi walked over to a bunch of flowers that matched the woman's eye colour and he carefully took one, trying to not break anything. Then, he went to (Name) with slow steps before clutching the single ranunculus in his left hand and staring at it fiercely. "I am not a romantic person," he spoke with his raspy voice, still staring at the floral being.

"No, you're not," (Name) replied calmy which put the nervous male's mind to ease. She took the flower from his hand and smiled at it with a strange flood of nostalgia flowing through her body. As if this flower had always been connecting the two of them - but even if it did, she would have already forgotten it because of her quirk.

The female hesitantly stretched out her arms as she moved closer to the man in front of her until she finally hugged him, her head on his chest. She could feel his heart beat evenly, but it had gotten a little bit faster when he put his arms around her body as well. Dabi eventually relaxed when he realized no one could disturb them now - not some crazy stalker and neither a customer. Everything was perfect right now. And so, he leaned his head on hers and his soft black hair gently poked against her smooth cheeks. The woman snuggled closer into his warm embrace and enjoyed every single second of their bodies being close to one other. It felt good not to be lonely and scared anymore.

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