[7/2] The heart unfolds

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The display window's glass was covered with a small layer of rain as the wet masses slowly came down over the city. Both (Name)'s and Dabi's eyes traced the outlines of the rain which flooded down the glass and the relaxing dripping sounds put their minds to ease.

Dabi didn't reply to her previous answer since he got too lost in his own thoughts, but after he had snapped out of it, he managed to rest as well - thanks to the comfortable interior furnishings. Slowly, the male began to reminisce about a different reality where he'd sit in an equally comforting living room, perhaps even with a fami-

"I think I have to close the store now," the female's voice threw him out of his trance as she slowly got up, stretched herself, and bent over to pick up both of their mugs. The young man blinked for a few seconds before realizing how late it had gotten already.

He didn't want to go yet.

Faking an act of politeness, Dabi slowly got up and put his hands in the pockets of his dark blue coat. It was ripped at the bottom side and evoked a feeling of unkemptness in the people that looked at him. (Name), on the other side, just felt pure pity. His skin, his clothes, his piercings, his wild hair ... everything about him made her feel like he had to endure a lot. Too much for someone to handle, but she hadn't had a clean life as well.

Neither of them knew a lot about each other, but they didn't take it by chance, either. They just existed and that was okay.

"Dabi?" The way she said his name was more of a question than a demand for him to speak. Before he could go towards the entrance door of Ranunculus, she had halted him with her words. "Do you have anywhere you can go?" Her face was full of concern and her body language appeared rather reserved in that moment, holding her florist's apron folded like that. She must have sensed a sign of hesitation in the man's way of walking, which confirmed the male's opinion of her even more. (Name) truly was an insightful person.

The black-haired male opened his mouth to answer, but didn't know what to say rightaway. In that moment, it seemed like the blossoms of the closest red roses flourished a bit, but maybe he'd just imagined it.

"I live in some kind of... apartment," he began and moved his body a bit, but his head stayed the same. Dabi didn't know why, but he couldn't stand seeing her face so full of worry. "It's not bad, but..."

He didn't know how to continue. After all, he couldn't simply tell her about the League of Villains - oh hey, I've been used as a tool in my childhood and haven't felt anything ever since, so I joined some guys who kill people. But it's not as bad as it sounds! We're trying to achieve a certain goal with our actions, to change this rotten societey you don't seem to approve of, as well!

"...trying to change this world...," Dabi muttered under his breath, not realizing he said this out loud.

"What was that?" the florist appeared more puzzled by his behaviour as she played with the apron's fabric in her hands.

The ravenette didn't know what came over him, but the words got out quicker than he wanted them to do.

"Do you think I could stay?"

It's late after all.

"Erm?!" (Name)'s was clearly overwhelmed, every idiot could figure out the shocked emotions in her face as her eyes went wide open. She looked at the watch around her wrist to check the time, but it was more of a temporary gesture since she knew he'd manage to wander around at this time of night. He even rescued her in a sticky situation.

Because she didn't respond immediately, the young man frowned and pulled his mouth into a tense grimace.

Of course she wouldn't let him stay at her own home, how could he ask such an imbecile question? He is the villain and she was someone he shouldn't have even approached in the first pla-

The Quaintest of All (Dabi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now