Chapter Ten

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Ricky's POV
~Flashback to wedding~

"Okay, let's just run through the plan one more time," Jackie says, mainly to me, on our way to the church. She was dressed up in her disguise as Emily, which in my opinion, suited her very well.

"Alright, basically we're going to sneak into the front of the church and wait by the doors to listen to the microphones we've already placed in the sanctuary, then when it comes to the part where they ask if anyone will object me, you, and Becker will barge in there with a couple of MG's (machine guns) and basically demand that Kenny will come with us and we won't harm them. However, if someone besides him decides to be difficult, don't hesitate to shoot them. Tom, Hunter, Jeremy, and Ash will take perimeter for lookout." She finishes and we all nod our heads in understanding.

"Alright boys, we only got one shot at this, so let's not mess it up!" We arrive at the church just in time as the priest begins his speech.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to witness the marrige of Kenny Holland and Scarlet Moon," The priest started. "If anyone has a reason for these two lovely people not to get married, speak now or forever hold your peace."

Right on que, me, Jackie, and Becker burst in through the doorstep the church.

"I Object!" Jackie says with a smirk on her face.

"Emily?" The woman, Scarlet, says.

Jackie laughs and pulls off her disguise, revealing who she really was. Gasps are heard all around the church and Kenny quickly hugs Scar to his side, her arm going protectively around his waist. Both had hard looks on their faces.

"What are you doing here Jackie?" Kenny asks, his voice as cold as stone. which pretty much ticked me off, how dare he talk to her like that!

"Isn't it obvious honey? I'm here to claim what's rightfully mine." she says with a laugh.

"I don't belong to you Jackie," he continues, eyeing Becker and I warily, which he should.

"Well, not yet, but you will soon. And as much as it pains me to admit this, Scarlet you actually look pretty decent in that dress." Jackie says with a small smile towards The woman at Kenny's side then directs her attention back towards towards the man she loves. "Now listen to me Kenny, we can do this the easy way or the hard way."

"And what would those ways be exactly?" He asks, uneasiness clearly in his voice.

"Well, the easy way would be for you to just come with us and you marry me instead, and nobody would have to get hurt."

"A-and the hard way?" His voice quivering a bit. Coward.

"I think you know what the hard way would include..." She says, looking at her nails with a bored expression. I see him gulp and glance at Scarlet, who looks about as nervous as him and everyone else in this church.

"How do I know you wouldn't just kill everyone if I did agree to go with you?" Kenny says. Smart boy.

"I didn't necessarily say I would kill anyone, injure sure," Jackie says with a smirk. "However, I can't promise that my men here won't kill anyone." I smirk.

"You little-"

"I would be careful with you're words, Hon. Don't want anything drastic to happen, now do we?" She taunts and it seems to make him angrier. "Now are you going to come with me, or are you going to be difficult?"

"Jackie, I would never go with someone as cruel and heartless as you. In fact, you are a disgusting, vile, pathetic excuse for a human being and I despise you!" He yells. Suddenly, something deep inside of me snaps and all I can see is red. Screaming in pure anger, I aim the gun at the boy's chest. However right before I'm about to pull the trigger, I hear Jackie's scream of "RICKY, NO!!!" While she try's to grab the gun from me, but it was too late as the next thing everyone heard was a loud BANG!

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