✿ Hate ✿

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(AN: this is part 2 to 'Game On')

"Game on" he texts me and I roll my eyes. I walk home and get ready for my best friend Aurelia's party and get another text. I look down at my phone and see yet another text message from Rafe. "See you at the party love." I glare at his text, he always calls me that knowing it gets me flustered. "Stop texting me" I send back and don't even bother to see his response I just put my phone back in my pocket.

I put on some makeup and curl my hair getting a text from Aurelia "Hurry up I'm waiting for you!" I smile at the text and respond "be there soon" I grab my purse and keys and walk downstairs. I go up to the fridge and scramble the magnetic letters on the fridge saying 'At Aurelia's' (kissing booth inspired🤪)

I go to my car and start driving when I arrive 20 minutes later. I excitedly grab my purse and knock on her door when it instantly opens. "Y/n you're here!" I smile and she hugs me "hey Aurelia!" I say and she drags me inside and everyone starts greeting me when I look to the kitchen to see Rafe leaning on the wall with a cup staring at me with a smirk. I glare at him and walk towards JJ, not feeling his games tonight.

I see Kiara right next to him, my ex best friend. If you're wondering why we aren't friends anymore she slept with my ex, not JJ though we are very close we just decided to take a break but she slept with topper then lied to me about it until topper admitted it and she did too. She had no remorse for what she did and just laughed, but don't worry I beat her ass.

"Hey slut how's that black eye you got there" I say indicating to the black eye I gave her and putting my arm around JJ's shoulder and Kiara smiles at me "Getting better" JJ rolls his eyes "Do you two ever not insult each other." I jokingly kiss his cheek "nope" and Kiara nods her head agreeing with me. JJ chuckles until we get rudely interrupted by guess who, Rafe. "Kiara can I speak to you for a moment?" I furrow my eyebrows, since when did he talk to Kiara? She just smirks and nods and walks off with him.

JJ notices my discomfort and squeezes my hand "it's probably nothing" I smile and squeeze his hand back "thanks JJ." I go back to Aurelia and my friend group for about 20 minutes and Kiara and Rafe aren't back. "I'll be back" I say to them and Aurelia "o-ok!" She slurs, she's so drunk. I walk upstairs where they went and look around to see one door closed. I furrow my eyebrows and slowly open it when I feel my heart drop to my stomach.

Rafe and Kiara making out.

I gasp and they turn away from each other and Kiara wipes her lips looking at me and smirks. Rafe looks towards me and chuckles "you're kinda interrupting something." I feel tears come out my eyes, the one person I didn't want him to get with he did. Rafe notices my tears and his smirk falls. "W-wait" I just shake my head "save it!" I say and run downstairs catching most people's attention "come on y/n, let me explain!" Rafe shouts chasing after me.

I grab my purse and keys from the kitchen and JJ notices my tears "what's wrong?" He says and gives me a tight hug. "That slut kissed Rafe!" JJ widens his eyes and Kiara looks down embarrassed. Rafe tries to walk up to me but JJ stops him "don't you think you've done enough man?" Rafe glares at JJ "this is none of your concern maybank" JJ scoffs "if it involves her then yes it does." Rafe chuckles "you think she loves you like she loves me?" I widen my eyes and JJ opens his mouth to say something but I interrupt them.

"Stop!" I say tears pouring out of my eyes "god just stop!" I say and run out Rafe chasing behind me. "Wait!" I open my car door for it to be slammed shut again by a hand. I look up slowly trying to hold in my sobs. "Stay away from me Rafe." I say and his eyes soften "Look I'm sorry I just got so jealous seeing you with JJ and it just happened." I scoff at his excuse "Just happened, Out of all girls you picked Kiara!?" I say shouting at him and he grabs my hand making me melt.

"I'm sorry, I just get so jealous." I look down and whisper "I hate you" Rafe widens his eyes shocked by what I said "w-what?" I look up at him and sigh "I hate the way you make me feel, I hate the way your voice calms me down. I hate the way your eyes mesmerize me. I hate the way your laugh makes my heart warm. I hate that your touch makes me melt..but I can't hate you" Rafe smirks and says "And whys that?"

"Because I love you" I say looking at him and he gives me a bright smile, a real one. One I've never seen before. He intertwines our fingers "I've always loved you y/n." I widen my eyes "Wait what?" Rafe chuckles and leans in "you just never realized it" he whispers and presses our lips together. I feel my stomach swarm with butterflies and feel myself melting. He pulls away "y/n y/l/n will you be my girlfriend?" I smile at his words "of course" he grabs me and I wrap my legs around his waist and he spins us around.

"Awe you guys *hiccup* are so cute!" I look over to see Aurelia and JJ looking at us with a smile and Aurelia stumbles and JJ catches her "Alright party animal let's get you back inside." JJ says and drags her back inside and I hear her scream "I want what they have!" Rafe and I chuckle and look at each other and he caresses my face and says.

"I hate that I love you so much."

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