The younger days of the oldest rays

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Hey everyone! Sorry, I couldn't help myself with this one, I just love them together! I hope you are all enjoying it. Turns out I'm running out of names for my chapters. If you have any suggestions, please comment!! I'd love to hear any suggestions :) thankyou to everyone who has been reading my story! It really is encouraging me to continue. Please don't forget to rate, comment and follow :) and please share it around, share the love :p
Happy reading
Xxx Sabrina

Simon and Maia:

We ran through the streets dodging under covers here and there. Already our clothes had plastered themselves to our bodies. It was times like this Maia had been jealous of Simons gift of not feeling the physical attributes of cold or wetness. It was a horrible feeling of stickyness and constant moisture. There was no escaping it, and it was amplified further for Maia since she was a werewolf.

"Farr out. Doesn't it end?"
Maias beautiful right curls had now turned into nest of frizzy knots. She was well and truly done with the rain whilst Simon walked around unbothered by it. He did feel sorry for her, and had on multiple occasions offered her his coat, but she had refused multiple times claiming she was fine when he knew she wasn't. All the while will was further ahead moving fast leading the way. His movement were smooth and sharp. He practically glided over the pavement. Just like how jace moved.

Finally he stopped outside the front of a house. Climbing the steps, he retreated under the covering and looked back at Simon and Maia, indicating for them to come quick. They moved with speed. Anything to get out of this horrible rain. Finally arriving under the cover of the houses' front porch, will stepped forward and knocked on the hard red flaked timber. They waited a while until footsteps were audible from the outside. When the door opened, it revealed a blonde haired man, around his late 30s. Maia recognized him straight away. From all the research Jordan had done on an assignment the praetor lupus had given him on the founders, there was no mistaking who he was. Simon on the other hand had no idea who this guy was. The only thing Simon noticed about him was that he had a friggen awesome specticle In his eye that he longed to try out. Too bad he no longer needed glasses.

"Magnus! Your friends are here.."
Was the first thing the man had yelled before retreating grumpily to inside again. We all waited outside until Magnus had come to the door. He appeared in a long traling black tailed suit with ruffled cuffs and long black shoes. he looked like an impersonator of Shakespeare. It was strange to think that our Magnus had existed during this time too. Simon had to resist the urge to begin a conversation with Magnus as if this Magnus had been present during his time. They looked almost exact the same! Just different clothes. And to the looks of it, different attitude.

"Ah! Will! What a coincidence! I was just needing to talk to you, more importantly, who are your friends?"
He now switched his attention over to the other pair. His eyes went straight to their clothes. Looking back at will bug eyed, he simply moved aside and showed us in. Even during this time, you could tell that Magnus had always had a side for wearing edgy things, but his eyes betrayed him. He had never seen anything quite like what they were wearing and very obviously showed it.

"These are some visitors to the institute, they come from the Lewis order apparently. " will said bitterly. It was obvious that will had not enjoyed leading them here. They hadnt done anything wrong, hopefully.

"I've never heard of it before.."
"Nor I"

Now it was time to bring the best bullshit of all time to the table. Simon prepared himself

" in short, the Lewis order is a hidden group which have an assortment of shadow hunters ad down worlders. The purpose of them is to bridge the gap between downworlders and shadow hunters and work together towards a common goal"

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