3. Train ride antics

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Peeta's POV

Effie ushered us into a car and we were off to the train station within minutes of finishing are mini interview. I haven't left Katniss's side since it happened.

What Haymitch said really hit home. I really have been an arse about it all. Katniss deserves so much more and after keeping us both alive in the games all I did was push her away. I just couldn't bare losing her after the time we had together even if it was in the arena, but because of it I pushed her way a even more. I guess I really need to start believing it was real and not just an act.

"Yoo hoo! Twelve really that interesting huh?" I must have been staring out the car window the whole journey as when Katniss speaks it brings me out of the daze I was in and I notice we have arrived at the station.

"Sorry I was just thinking about the tour." A lie but I can't tell her what I really think. Surely if it was an act she wouldn't be so close to me off camera. Come to think of it, off camera it is me that kisses her first. Stop it Peeta. You're being absurd. If she didn't love you she wouldn't care so much.

I feel her hand on my leg, "Peeta? You've drifted off again?"

I place my hand on top of hers, "I'm OK I promise," I give a half hearted smile to try and reassure her.

She kisses me gently on the cheek and whispers in my ear, "You don't have to cover up for me. I don't like the idea of the tour either." She leans back slightly and smiles before whispering again, "I'm sure Effie won't mind us sneaking off later, in fact I think she'll be glad if the alone time with Haymitch."

The shock on my face must say it all as she puts a finger to her lips as if ushering me to keep quiet,"Deal." I mouth.

"Alright you two we're here. Haymitch and your prep teams are already aboard they came straight here so come on , time to go." Effie says as she opens the door to the car. Even though its night time and its dark outside there is still plenty of people come to the station to wave us off.

We head onto the train and into the at which was kind of like a mini living room, it had couches all around and a projector television at one side. Effie ushers me and Katniss and and we throw ourselves down on the empty couch with a thud.

I look over to Haymitch who smiles and nods while lifting his drink up. He must know Katniss and I have sorted it out.

Effie begins to talk about the tour and how she has it all planned out, "Twelve districts in twelve days what a grueling schedule, but once we reach the Capitol it will be all interviews, parties and a feast with the President in celebration of your Victory all leading back to a not as grand party in district twelve. Despite all this you most enjoy it, both of you," she directs that at Katniss as she can be quite stubborn at things like this, which she has the right to be after what we have been through," You've earned it." Effie finishes but Katniss sits up abruptly.

"What did you just say?" She questions Effie.

"I said enjoy it Katniss, you've earned it." Effie sighs at having to repeat herself but does it anyway.

"Yes, by killing people. That seems like a great cause for celebration and now I'm expected to parade round in front of the peoples families that I killed and be happy about it." Katniss storms out if the room and heads off down the train.

"Young lady ..." Effie isn't impressed by Katniss's outburst but she has every right to say what she did.

I stand up to follow her, "I'll go check on her." Nobody protests so I had straight down to the end if the train as I know that is where I will find her and I do sat on the back couch staring out the window.

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