Preference: i need you

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A/n credit to the person who wrote this:)

Luke: I woke up to the light streaming through the window on a lazy Saturday. I smiled and kissed sleeping Luke's cheek gently before getting out of bed and throwing on one of his shirts, going into the kitchen. I decided to make breakfast and hummed as I started to work. I groaned when I realized that the pan I needed was on the top shelf. Sighing, I tried to climb onto the counter, but couldn't. I huffed out a breath, and I heard a familiar chuckle from behind me. I spun around and glared at my sleepy boyfriend.
"Don't laugh at me." I pouted. "I need you to get the pan down."
"Mm but I like watching you struggle."
"Lucas, if you want breakfast, get the pan."
Luke laughed again and easily walked over, pulling the pan down. He kissed the top of my head in the process.
"I love when you need me." He smiled.
"I love when you leave me alone to make breakfast."

Calum: I woke up to a ringing phone at 2 in the morning and groaned, fumbling to answer it.
"Y/N, I need you." Calum's voice slurred, making it clear that he was beyond drunk. He hiccupped to emphasize the point.
"Where are you, Cal?" I sighed, starting to stand up.
"At this bar. I was with the guys, but they left me and I need you."
"Alright, Calum. Just stay there and I'll be there soon."
I hung up and threw on some clothes and made my way to the bar to get Calum. He was outside, stumbling on his feet. I sighed and got out, aiding him into the car.
"Calum, you can't keep getting drunk like this." I lectured my best friend.
"I know, Y/N, I won't anymore. Because I love you."
My heart did a flip and I groaned.
"I love you too."
"No, No, Y/N, I'm in love with you." Calum hiccupped.
"Cally, I-"
I was cut off by the sound of his snores filling up the car. At the red light, I leaned over and brushed his hair out of his eyes, kissing his forehead.
"I love you too."

Michael: I woke up at 3 in the morning to my phone buzzing. I rolled over and was suddenly alert when I saw Michael's name flashing on the screen.
"I need you." Came my boyfriend's voice, followed by sobbing. My heart broke at the sound.
"Okay. Okay baby, shh. I'm on my way over, alright?"
I immediately sprang into action, getting dressed and driving to Michael's house. When I got there, he met me at the door, pulling me into his body, sobs wracking his shoulders.
"Okay, honey, shh, I'm here now. I've got you." I ran a hand up and down his back, trying to soothe him. Eventually, his cries started to die down. "What happened, babe?"
"I had a dream, and it just- it felt so real and you-" His voice cracked. "And you died and I can't, I can't deal with that I need you here with me."
"Michael, babe, look at me. I'm here. It may have felt real, but it wasn't. I'm here always."
"Forever." I linked my hand with his and led him over to the couch. "C'mon, love, I'm not going anywhere tonight. Let's get some sleep."

Ashton: I went upstairs to shower as Ashton and the boys had band practice downstairs in the basement. I stripped out of my clothes and turned the water on before getting in. As I was shampooing my hair, I looked down at the floor and almost screamed as a huge, black spider crawled by my foot. Knowing Ashton wouldn't hear me over the music, I grabbed my phone from the counter and sent him a text.
About a second later, all music stopped and I hear his footsteps rushing up the stairs and into the bathroom.
"Y/N, baby, what's-"
I whimpered from my spot in the corner of the shower and pointed at the spider. Ashton sighed and walked over, grabbing toilet paper and squashing the spider, throwing it away. He then turned and kissed my forehead.
"You good?"
"Y-yeah. Sorry, Ash."
"You should be sorry." He joked. "You interrupted a serious rendition of 'Pizza'"
I laughed and kissed his nose.
"Oh, yes, I know that song is so serious."
He laughed and turned to leave the room.
"Don't scare me like that again, Y/N. I thought something was wrong. Only use SOS for emergencies from now on."
"Hey, that was a big spider!"
"Okay. Mhm. Yup." I crossed my arms and he laughed. "I love you, baby."
"Love you too. Now go finish singing about Michael's eating habits."

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