You're plus sized

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A/n requested a few times so I had to do it!:)

You stood infront of the large mirror, unaware of Ashton watching you from the corner of his eye, your hands slowly slid down your curves and you sighed
"Why can't I be skinny?" You whispered to yourself, bringing yourself down
"You're perfect babe, Ive told you this over 1000 times, please believe me, I love you the way you are, don't change anything about yourself because there is nothing to change, I love you so much" the kind words left Ashtons mouth as he creeped up behind you, making you jump in surprise,
"Ash, were you watching me that whole time?" You questioned him
"I was indeed, but believe my words okay, promise you will" he instructed you
"I'll try to" you sighed once again, looking down, you felt a finger under your chin, lifting your head up
"You will do" Ashton words struck through you like a lightening bolt
"I will do" you repeated after him

"Why won't you wear a bikini?" Micha questioned you, his eyebrows furrowed as you told him that you're wearing a one piece suit at the beach you were visiting the next day
"I just don't want to?" You left the couch and walked into the bedroom you shared with him, tears forming in your eyes as you locked the door and slid into the floor, wrapping you arms around your knees and balancing your head in your hands. You heard footsteps and soon heard banging on the door and Michael shouting you to let him in, but you ignored his orders
After a while you decided to just unlock the door and let him see the state you were in currently, but you were surprised that when he did he instantly ran towards you and wrapped his arms around you
"You're perfect okay, I figured it out for myself, don't believe anything anybody says bad about you or your figure because I love it" Michael kindly told you, making you smile and nod in return
"I love you so much" you truthfully said to to him
"I love you so much too."

"I'm just going for a jog Luke, I'll be back soon" you told him as you walked to the front door, water bottle in hand and earphones in your ears, getting ready to play green day
"You aren't going anywhere" he jogged towards you, grabbing a hold of your arm
"Luke let go I need to go like now" you tried to release your arm from his strong grip but you couldn't do it
"You don't need to jog, okay, stay as you are, don't change anything about yourself, I fell in love for who you are not what your about to become, besides I love your curves, they're sexy"
You smiled but shook your head
"I'm still going for a jog"
"I'll join you then" you smiled in return as you watched Luke get a water bottle and left the door the same time as you

You sat in the middle of the double bed and sunk into the mattress and sadness flew over you, once again you were reading hate directed towards you, all commenting on your body
@randomtwittername: @yourtwittername is so fat omf, calum can do so so much better than that
You felt tears roll down you cheeks as you slammed you laptop shut and curled into a ball, you believed them this time
"Y/n?" You heard footsteps creak up the floorboards, you didn't reply, only just sat in silence, but you soon heard the door squeak open and calum run towards you
"What happened babe?" He questioned, worried, you said nothing but shook your head in reply
"Have you been reading hate again?" tears rapidly fell from your eyes and calum wiped them with your thumb
"No baby, don't believe anything they say okay, their just jealous of how perfect you are, I fell in love with your personality, not the way you look, and yes you're Fucking stunning, everybody knows that, just I love you so goddam much okay?"
You nodded in reply, a smile forming on your face as you rested your head on his shoulder and he kept his arms wrapping around you
"Thank you calum, I don't deserve you"
"I was thinking the same thing about you."

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