Preference: you have a fever and he's worried.

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Ashton: You’d joined the guys on tour, and unfortunately for you, you had gotten sick on the plain ride over. You had been up all night coughing, but you shut yourself in the back of the bus trying not to wake the guys up since they had a long day of interviews a head of them. It was 1am and you still hadn’t had any sleep and you just felt awful. You pulled your blanket up tight around you and then threw it off again because you felt hot. You groaned and grumbled and then were startled when the sliding mirror door opened up “hey” Ashton said in a groggy voice “what are you doing in here?” He asked sitting down next to you “I don’t feel well” you whined. Ashton hugged you and then placed his hand on your forehead “oh my god you’re burning up” he said. He went and grabbed a cold bottle of water out of the fridge and a towel, he poured some water on the towel and placed it over your forehead and made you drink some water “I’m going to stay here with you, try to sleep” he said pulling you close to him “no go back to bed” you said. But he wasn’t having any of it “no I’m staying here, if I don’t I will just worry about you all night and worrying means I won’t sleep at least here I can sleep and keep an eye on you” he said.

Calum: You were in the hotel room, you had just woken up and you felt awful. You saw a note from Calum saying ‘gone to fan signing see you later. Love Calum and the guys xo’ you smiled at the note before placing it back down. You felt really dizzy and decided to lay back down. The next thing you knew you were being woken up by Calum rocking you and saying your name “Y/N hey hey wake up” he said. “What?” You whined. “You’re burning up I’m taking you to the hospital, you’re clammy and pale and it seems like you’ve been out all day” he said. “I’m okay just blah” you said “no I’m taking you to the hospital now, you’re not okay I’m worried okay I’d rather be safe than sorry” he said before picking you up and carrying you down to the taxi to take you to the hospital.

Luke: Luke decided to stay with you on the tour bus instead of going sight seeing with the other guys because he knew you were sick, he just wanted to stay and make sure you were okay. You had a high fever and didn’t feel good at all. You were in your bunk and he slid in next to you and hugged you before getting his laptop and going onto Netflix and putting ‘Tangled’ on for you both to watch. Throughout the film he kept asking if you were okay because he was truly concerned about you. Yes your fever was high but it wasn’t dangerously high so you didn’t know why he was worrying so much, but you thought it was sweet.

Michael: You went with the guys to an interview, you sat behind the camera and let the interviewer and the guys do there thing. You weren’t feeling too good but you wanted to support Michael and the guys so you sat there in silence. You began to feel really hot, and just couldn’t call down then everything went black. You woke up in the hospital with the guys surrounding you “what happened?” You croaked through your dry mouth “you passed out, you had a high fever so I stopped the interview and rushed you straight here” Michael said. You could see the concerned look on his face and just half smiled at him. You were feeling a little better, but still had a fever.

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