Favourite disney movie:)

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A/n credit to the person who wrote this:)

Ashton: Big Hero 6 - You both fell in love with the movie the first time you saw it and it turned into something that you would watch regularly when you were having a lazy day or were just in the mood for a Disney movie. Ashton often reminded you of Baymax, and how he was always caring and wanting to do what was right to make others happy.

Calum: Tangled - Tangled had been one of your favorite movies when you started dating and you had insisted that Calum watch it with you one night. At first he complained but by the end, he was laughing and smiling. He insisted that it was just a kiddie movie, but you knew that was a lie and the next time you wanted to watch it, he was actually excited. Some times Calum made the signature Flynn Rider smolder without even noticing.

Luke: Toy Story - Toy Story was a favorite for a lot of kids growing up and when you and Luke wanted to have a movie night and didn't have any idea what you wanted to watch that was the first movie that came to mind. It was your favorite to watch together purely because it took you both back to a great time and you were both children at heart.

Michael: Lady and the Tramp - Michael was the one who first wanted to watch this movie and since it was a movie you loved as a kid, you were all for it. It made you think of Michael's inner child as he paid attention the entire time. After that, you and Michael watched that movie togehter about a million more times and each time it made you think more about Michael and how he seemed kind of like the Tramp, with his rough exterior, but his genuine heart. He would do anything for the people he loved.

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