You will always be beautiful. - Michael Clifford Imagine

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You had been diagnosed with cancer six weeks ago; your boyfriend Michael had been incredibly supportive, even more supportive when you cut your long hair short. He died his hair pink, and helped you through everything. Then your hair began falling out and that’s when you began feeling even worse, not because of the cancer but because of how you looked. You hated what you saw in the mirror; you sat looking in your mirror and shaved the rest of your hair off to avoid any more morning hair surprises. Your hues just looked at your reflection “I’m so ugly” you cried to yourself. You placed your head in your hands and just cried and cried, you didn’t think that much water could come out of one tiny person. Michael heard you crying and rushed upstairs, he saw you sitting on the bed and rushed to your side, wrapping his arms around you. “Baby what’s wrong?” he asked “I’m bald and ugly, I look awful” you said lifting your head up “I’m hideous I look like a freak” you sniffled. Michael shook his head “you look beautiful, and you know I wouldn’t lie to you. Trust me when I say you are gorgeous don’t ever call yourself ugly. Now everyone can see your beautiful face, your eyes seem even bigger and even more beautiful” he said kissing your forehead “I look like a queue ball” you sniffled again. Michael chuckled “a pretty faced queue ball” he smiled. You giggled and nudged him playfully “shut up” you said wiping away the tears. “Do you really think I’m still beautiful?” you asked “of course, hair doesn’t change beauty, you being bald shows courage and strength wear it with pride” he said. “I love you” you smiled “I love you too” he said kissing you. Then you placed your head on his shoulder and he smiled down at you.

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