Preference- The Morning After

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A/n Sorry for being lazy and unoriginal lately, im just way too lazy atm to write my own preferences, but i have a laptop now! so the next few will be off tumblr!:)


You're sleeping when you feel something on your cheek. You figure it's a bug, so you lightly swat it out of the way. You hear a giggle and you slowly open your eyes.

"Morning babe" Luke smiles at you and kisses your forehead.

You smile up at him and cuddle him closer.

"Hey babe." he interrupts your attempt to fall asleep again,


"It's 1:30"

"Holy shit." you say, sitting up and grabbing his shirt from the ground and putting it on.

"Babe calm down."

"I'm going to be late for work!" you say, going to stand up but your legs give out and you collapse onto the bed.

"No babe, I already called you in sick. You're fine. Come back to bed... Plus I don't want you to hurt more than you already do." he smirks at you.

You sigh and turn towards him, "I'm hungry."

"Then let's get food."

"Yeah, because I can really walk far right now." you say, rolling your eyes and smirking.

"Fine. I'll make you something." he smiles, getting up and putting on a pair of boxers and picking you up bridal style and carrying you downstairs. He sets you on the kitchen counter and starts trying to get ingredients out. He leans casually against the wall and looks around at the food. He looks pretty flustered.

"Hey Luke, I don't wanna be rude, but it's like 1:30 pm and we could just order pizza and cuddle on the couch. I'm kinda still tired from last night."

He smiles, walks over and stands between your legs and kisses your nose.

"I'd much rather do that, honestly."

You smile and jump off the counter, this time, you're able to stand.

"Oh damn, it's wearing off." he smirks.

"Looks like we'll just have to do it again." you smirk before walking ahead and laying on the couch.


"Morning beautiful." you hear a whisper.

Your eyes flutter open and you to take in where exactly you are. You realize that you're in the tour bus and you can't exactly believe that you actually managed to sleep through the whole night, not only in this small bed with your six foot tall boyfriend, but also, because it was your and Ashton's first time.

"Morning." you smile, kissing him.

"How ya feeling?" he tries to be sexy and wink but he starts giggling.

"I'm a little tired but... ya know..." you look down, not able to look him directly in the eyes.

"How was... it?" he shyly asks.

"Ash, you know it was my first time so I have no idea. I mean I'm happy about it."

"Well good. I just want to make you happy that's my job."

"Well you have succeeded." you smile, cuddling him closer.


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