April 27th

187 8 0

It couldn't be.

Not Shotaro.

But it was happening.

He had been staring at the doctor with pure disbelief on his face for the past... only five minutes? It felt like an eternity.

Yes, males had a 35 to 40 percent chance of a miscarriage compared to a woman's 10 to 15. Yes, it was still looked down upon in society that men could get pregnant. And yet again, Shotaro was the target of the universe's harsh bullying.

There would be no play dates, no birthday parties, no sleepovers, no first day of high school, no graduation, no moving out, no taking care of Shotaro and Sungchan when they began to age, no visits, nothing.

No tears fell from his eyes, but his mind was like a store on Black Friday. Everything he'd planned was a waste.

He knew that Sungchan already knew- the doctor had just brought him into the room- so there was no hiding now.

It wasn't his fault: Shotaro had a "missed miscarriage", basically meaning that the baby had died silently. While women could only really have miscarriages until 20 weeks (that's when health problems started), men could have them whenever.

It felt like just last week (it was) when the male was marching around proudly knowing that he was going to have a girl.

The doctor said a few more things that Shotaro didn't hear, and they were off.

The car ride home was silent except for the radio, softly playing 2 MINUS 1.

What a mood setter, Shotaro thought.

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