February 22nd

46 1 0

"You ready?"

Shotaro stared at Jungwoo, eyes wide. "Um." He was standing in a smaller room just outside the main area of the venue that he and Sungchan had rented for the occasion with Jungwoo brushing off his suit. "I don't know why I'm so nervous."

"You're allowed to be nervous, you know."

A knock came in on the door, but Ten still entered in a moment. Surprisingly, he had Lili trailing behind him. "How're we doing?"

"Panicking." Shotaro did crouch down to look at Lili, tightening the bow in her hair. "Are you ready, rockstar?"

Lili nodded happily, smiling brightly at Shotaro. "I'm going to do so well, Tarie. You and Channie and Tennie and Papa and Daddy are going to be so happy!"

"You're going to do amazing, baby girl." Jungwoo scooped up his daughter, pinching her cheek. "You're gonna walk down just like we practiced. Show them!"

He let Lili back down to the ground, and the girl performed a slow walk in the room. Once she completed it, she turned around and looked at Shotaro.

"Beautiful," Shotaro cheered, clapping along with Jungwoo and Ten. Lili performed an exaggerated bow, her dimples popping out a bit.

The door behind them opened, and Jaehyun popped his head through. "It's showtime. Sweetie, let's go." He held a hand out for Lili, who took it and bounded out of the room with a wave to Shotaro, Ten, and Jungwoo.

"Alright, you heard Jae." Ten grasped Shotaro's shoulders, giving them a small pat before holding the door open for him and Jungwoo. Once they were out, Ten and Jungwoo slipped through another door, leaving Shotaro in the hallway on his own.

He sighed. It was time.

The vows were... they weren't anything special, but, like always, Sungchan used his words to sweep Shotaro off his feet. He didn't even know what he could say in response, just saying his vows with a little bit of flair and leaving it there. it was sealed with a kiss, and then things started to move along.

It was Ten and Jungwoo's time to shine after the vows were complete, giving their own speeches just stating how much they appreciated Shotaro and Sungchan. From there, each of their friends gave a similar piece, and even Robbie has something to say.

Once everyone else was done, Shotaro patted his back pocket, slowly letting go of Sungchan's hand. Sungchan looked up at him, confused, but Shotaro just stood up and walked to the front of the room.

"Um, I just wanted to come up here and say a few things." Shotaro pulled the sheet of paper from his pocket, unfolding it. It wasn't a script, more like a list, and it had everything that Shotaro wanted to say. "So, uh, first and foremost, thank you all of you for being here. For pulling yourself out of work, commuting, and whatever for me and Sungchan.

"Now, I'm not the best with words. I never have been. And being with someone like Sungchan who's always been able to speak so well... I'm up here so that I can say everything I want to without being overshadowed by Sungchan, as much as I love you.

"I don't know how to express how much I love you properly. You're humble, you're kind, and you always stood by me, and that's been especially important in the past year. There are no days that I don't think about how much you've done for me, and there are no days that I don't feel like I'm 19 again and we've just become us. I put so much work into planning this whole thing is because I wanted it to be perfect. Because you deserve nothing less nor nothing else. You deserve more than that, honestly. I'm going to say this again and again until you get fu–" this was when he remembered there were children in the room, "–sick and tired of hearing it. You deserve perfect. You are perfect. And I still can't believe how lucky I am to have you with me."

Shotaro actually looked up at this point, and– were those tears? He could hear everyone clapping for them and Kun starting to wrap people up for their brief meal, but Shotaro made a beeline for Sungchan.


"Wow, Shotaro, I–" Sungchan cut himself off, smiling at Shotaro. "You don't have to be good at what you say, you know. Sometimes you can just say it and it'll mean a million times more than all the suave words I use. I'm a f–" Sungchan glanced around for a moment to check for any children, finding none around them, "–fucking coward. I can never say what I actually mean outright because you're just so– I don't know how you do it."

That felt... Shotaro smiled at Sungchan when he heard this, pressing a small peck to the younger's lips. He didn't know how much being straightforward had actually been helping him this entire time.

"So," he said after a while, wiping away Sungchan's tears, "we should go cut the cake, right?"

Sungchan sniffled a bit, chuckling in the back of his throat. "Of course."


so right before i started writing this chapter i did one google search and found out that korean weddings dont have vows or kisses or nun... but i've put more work into making sure that the timeline is accurate (though halloween wouldve actually been on a monday and ive been one day behind this entire time just shush)

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