July 5th

51 4 0

Shotaro's first day off since he came back to work had finally arrived. Usually, he enjoyed these days. Now that it was... well, after, he didn't want his mind to be blank. That would only lead to him overthinking everything that he did.

When he woke up, however, it was because his phone was ringing. He glanced a the caller ID, which revealed that it was Mark. Shotaro sighed before reaching for the phone, clearing his throat a little before answering. "Hello?"

"Shotaro, hi!" There's a lot of background noise on Mark's end. "You were probably sleeping, weren't you? I'm so sorry for bothering you–"

"No, no, it's fine."

"Okay. I really need you to help me out." Mark sounded exasperated. "Yuta got called in for an emergency at work and won't be back for, like, two-ish more hours. I have to leave for work soon, but I obviously can't leave Kaelin alone. I tried everyone, but the others are all either working as well or busy. So... you're kinda my last resort. Just for around two hours."

Shotaro froze. Again, the mentions of children weren't exactly the best for him, but he needed to get over himself. Seriously, Mark had one choice, and it was Shotaro.

"Okay," the male said slowly. "I can be there in half an hour, tops."

He heard the sigh of relief that Mark let out. "Thank you so much, Taro. I don't know how I can repay–"

"Please, it's no problem." Shotaro started to drag himself out of bed, headed for the bathroom. "I'll get there as fast as I can."

"I don't think I have any appointments first thing, so I doubt Mr. Jeon will care if I'm late. Really, Shotaro, Thank you so much."

"Not a problem." The call ended, and Shotaro left to get himself ready. Physically, of course.


"Taro, seriously, I can't thank you enough." Mark patted the younger on the shoulder. "I've texted you everything you need to know. Kaelin's upstairs, and she's asleep. Still, she's probably going to wake up soon."

"Okay," Shotaro said, smiling. "And again, it's not a problem. Seriously."

Mark nodded, stepping out onto the porch. "Remember, you can always call me if anything happens. Yuta will be back in–"

Shotaro nodded. "Two hours. I got it."

"Yeah. Two hours." A sentimental look suddenly glosses over Mark's eyes, and he looks sympathetic. "This must be a lot for you."

He finally skipped down the stairs towards his car, and Shotaro was left in the house alone with a 1 year old.

Taking care of Kaelin was surprisingly easy. Apparently, she isn't as devilish when she's around Shotaro. She mumbled a little bit, but other than that, she had her eyes locked on the show she's watching. Most of Shotaro's job was staring at the colourful hairpins in her short hair, but other than that, he was basically left to sit with his own thoughts, just like a regular day off.

Eventually, Yuta stepped into the living room, and Kaelin immediately started to waddle towards him.

"Hey, Shotaro," he said, lifting the girl into his arms. "Was she alright?"

Shotaro nodded. "She was oddly calm. See's probably hungry by now, though."

"I can feed her, then. Thanks, really." The older male smiled at Shotaro.

The latter nodded. "Right. I'll see you whenever."

A few minutes later, Shotaro rested his head on his steering wheel, shoulder's shaking as he cried.

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