July 13th

45 2 0

July inched by slowly for Shotaro. Maybe it was just getting back into the swing of things at work. Really, every day was the same, but he was fearful that there would be someone rude. Customer service was a lot, after all.

He was on his break, starting up some conversation with Yangyang when Mr. Jeon walked into the break room.

This wasn't an uncommon occurence. Mr. Jeon had lunch with all the other workers. The only thing that was off was that he was holding a file. Usually, Mr. Jeon believed in splitting work and breaks, barely being found with a file.

He walked over to Shotaro and Yangyang, almost immediately stealing away the latter. Again, Shotaro found himself on his own, which was his least favourite place to be. He hated it.

This time, instead of just thinking on his own, he remembered. He remembered back when he and Sungchan had first found out about the pregnancy and just how happy they had been.

Life didn't seem like it could get better.

Shotaro remembered watching his stomach slowly grow in the mirror. He'd stand there in the mornings for a while before he would feel Sungchan's arms snaking around his body to give him a good morning kiss. That was the time he'd spend with his two loves.

He remembered feeling the first kick. He'd been lying in bed next to Sungchan, watching a move together on their TV. It had stunned him a bit, and when Sungchan looked over, concern in his eyes as he asked if Shotaro was okay, he didn't have an answer. Sungchan had placed one hand on his husband's stomach and the other on his forehead, and that's when they both felt the second one.

He especially remembered his last day of work before he was off for paternity leave, which had been overall calm. He'd hugged Ten, Mark, and Yangyang as if he'd never see them again, collecting a few of the frames from his desk as if he was moving departments.

He remembered the day he'd gone in for his ultrasound and the doctor had announced that he and Sungchan were having a girl. He remembered the happiness that had surged through him and Sungchan that day, and they were only excited for what the next four months would bring.

The most recent thing that Shotaro remembered, however, was the miscarriage. He remembered how the kicks had just... stopped for a few days. Sungchan suggested that they go to the doctor, despite Shotaro claiming that things were okay and that this was nothing. Little had he known...

His thoughts were interrupted when he felt someone pat him on the back. Shotaro looked up, finding Mark staring back at him. "Are you okay? You haven't taken a bite of your food."

Shotaro glanced down at his lunch. He could just eat that at his desk. Speaking of that, if Mark was here, that meant that Shotaro's lunch break was over and he was late. He really hoped that there weren't any customers waiting for him.


shotaro not sad enough more deppresion

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