
106 8 3

Voice Call
Brian Young, Jae Park


"Ah, done, finally."

*stretching out*

"That sounded like a good stretch."

"I was kinda laying in the same position the entire movie."

"You didn't even get up for snacks?"

"Well.. I would tell you if I were going to get some."




"We weren't really focused on the movie, were we?"

*gasp* "That's exactly what I was about to say!"

"It's more of me that wasn't focused, but it's all because of you, idiot."

*chuckle* "What did I do?"

"Those words you said before the movie!"

"How could anyone focus if that's the only thing on their mind?!"

"I didn't think it would be that bad."

"Do you have a screaming kink?"

"I just said you sound cute when you yell?"

"Okay, and now I feel weird for yelling."


"Yell if you want to."

"You really do have a yelling kink."

"I don't."

"Convince me."


"Just hearing your soft breathing is enough."


"You get a boner off of that?"

*spits out drink*


"Oh my God, are you okay?"

"I didn't even think of it that way."

"Wow." *laughing* "It's so fun to tease you."

"Yeah, you're having fun, but weren't you the one who couldn't focus on the movie because of what I said?"

*laughter dies, flustered*

"Wh-what?! Don't flip it on me.."

"I'll say it again.."


"I'd love it when you scream under—"

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