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The Bingsu Store

Since money has been getting a little less tight lately, Jaehyung decided it was a good idea to freshen up his mind with his favorite sweets. He knows the consequences of consuming dairy will take a toll on him, but it's once in a while, so it may just be worth the pain.

He nears the glass door, pushing it open as the wind of cold air brushes past him. It's hot. Regardless, he still wore his long trench coat as the clothes under them were just his mere Spiderman pyjamas. He thought he didn't need to change out of them as the walk from his house to the shop wasn't too far. He was surprised he didn't end up sweating buckets.

It's still hot though.

As he walks to the counter, it was unavoidable for his eyes not to scan the entire place. The shop isn't empty but it's barely filled, about five customers and that includes himself. One of them, in a trench coat as well, seems to loiter nearby the counter. Jaehyung ignores the person and goes straight to order as he didn't really have to look through the menu; he always gets the same thing every time.

The staff who was tending the shaving machine came. He starts, "Hi, I'd like a matcha bingsu. No beans." and so on, just the basic stuff.

When he was done ordering, he was about to take a seat until the customer — whom he noticed earlier — comes up to him with an unreadable look on their face. Of course, how would anyone be able to tell what they look like when the person has their entire face covered up like some celebrity?

"Uh, excuse me, could you help me order?" The person asks, and for some reason, Jaehyung couldn't help but find the voice a little familiar. He can't exactly tell as the person had a mask on which muffled their voice.

He shakes his thoughts away, I should help this person first. "Sure. What are you having trouble with?" He guides the person to the side of the counter as he grabs the menu.

The person falls quiet, they don't seem to be looking at the menu, instead, their eyes were fixated on Jaehyung who was too occupied by the menu. "They have small, medium and large sizes. If you're new to eating bingsu, you should totally get the medium size." He explains as he turns his head towards the person. And just like anyone would, they snap their head off to somewhere else; to the menu.

"Oh, yes, uh.." The person starts to stammer. The latter finds their behavior a little peculiar, but he doesn't think too much of it. Anyone could be nervous and that's totally fine, he gets nervous himself anyway. "It's actually not my first time, I just don't know what to order." The person explains, only to receive a confused look from Jaehyung.

"Have you tried looking at the menu?" He asks, and they struggled to nod at his question. He doesn't realize it, but he was starting to come off intimidating. "Hmm.. Well, for me, I just get the same matcha red bean, except there's no beans in mine."

"Why not?"

He finds the question unnecessary. As the person kept at their questions, they seem more peculiar to Jaehyung. He can't help but doubt them, they were undeniably weird — from the moment he saw them loitering around the store.

Still, he couldn't just air the question. "I'm allergic." He simply states.

"That makes sense.." The person mutters. "What else would you order then?"

"I'd just get the plain old caramel." He couldn't really get anything else on the menu, he would end up choking from trying them but he's still aware of what the other flavors tasted like since he comes to eat at the shop with his friends a lot. "But the strawberry one is good, they put cheese on it so if you don't want that, just ask them to take it off."

The person hums, and through the mask, he could see them smile at him. "Thanks, I know what to order now." They say, "Sorry for bothering you, I must've seemed weird."

"No, it's fine, really." Jaehyung shrugs. At least you know you're weird. "Okay, I guess you can handle the ordering part yourself..?"

"Uh, yes, thank you again."

He gives a reaffirming nod before walking off to take a seat. As much as he finds the person weird, he just shrugs it off and passes them off as some socially awkward person. He would say he's about the same, but when he gets along with basically anyone, he can't really say he's just like that person.

Weirdly enough, he finds himself watching the person as they start to order. Despite how awkward they came off to Jaehyung, they seem to be blabbering on as they ordered. He couldn't decipher what they were saying as he was seated a little bit too far from the counter.

Maybe I'm the weird one, ugh. He groans internally. He realizes it was odd for him to eavesdrop.

He sighs before distracting himself with his phone. He ultimately decides to mind his own business.

"I'm home," Jaehyung voiced out as he took his shoes off on the doorway, he hears footsteps stomping merrily through the hallway.

"Did you get me anything?" His older sister, Yujin, appears from the corridor with a beaming smile. The homebody obviously just coming out from her room. Jaehyung just rolls his eyes at her.

While he was about to hang his coat on the rack, Yujin starts to throw light punches at him. "You cruel person, why would you go to the bingsu store and not get me anything?" She whines as he blocks her hits with his coat.

"Well, maybe if you just left your room!" He argues. He would try to walk past her, but he knows he'd just end up getting blocked.

"Wow, that's rich, coming from you." Yujin scoffs, her punches stopping as she crosses her arms instead. "You should say that when I start getting 20 million followers on SpicyMemes."

He groans. His sister being aware of his presence on SpicyMemes was the worst thing ever. Every time he tries to slip away from her, she brings it up and he would have to bribe her to shut up about it from their parents.

And the worst; she's also aware of his fanboy tendencies.

"Okay, stop. I'm short on money so let me off." His shoulder slouches in defeat, his face obviously saying "Please just fuck off."

"Honestly, I wasn't going to ask you to buy me anyway," Yujin still doesn't move away and Jaehyung realizes she's about to run on with whatever she's going to say, so he distracts himself with his phone. "I just think it would be nice if we hung out someti..."

Her voice starts to trail off as he scrolls through his phone. His Instagram feed remained stale until he sees a post, but not just anyone's post; his favorite artist Young K posted a picture.

But when he started to realize what the picture was, all hell breaks loose. "Oh my God, you have to be lying, what the fuck?!" Jaehyung starts rambling as he couldn't believe what was displayed on his phone.

"Huh? What's that?" Yujin leans over and she gasps. "Oh my gosh, what a coincidence. Anyway.."

"No, you don't get it."


"He's the weirdo from earlier!"

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