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Just a Fever

It took Jaehyung a while to reach his destination, the line at the grocery store where he had to pick up some food was incredulously long at such a time, then he had to get the medicine needed for Brian. After he was done with all that, he skated — with his rusty skateboard — as fast as he could.

At the moment, he couldn't think of anything as worriness was the only feeling that overwhelmed him for the past 40 minutes.

However, when he realizes he's already at the entrance of his apartment building, his heart started to beat fast. Oh my God, I'm really here, I'm gonna meet him. He clutches his chest with his hand, trying to calm himself down as he knew he couldn't waste any more time.

Before he headed up, he took his phone out to make a call to Brian. Just a few rings and the other side picks up. "Hello?" It wasn't prominent but the grogginess in his voice was something Jaehyung noticed. After all, they had been calling each other every day that a tiny difference from their voices would be something to be concerned about.

"I'm here, what floor are you in?" He asks, picking the skateboard up from the ground as he eyes around the area. While he does this, he hears a continuous cough from the other line.

Finally, Brian got it to stop. "I'm on the 19th floor, 6th room." He responds, the rasp from his voice obviously coming from the cough.

"Okay, I'll head upstairs, see you." He says as he presses the lift button, hearing a hum from Brian before he hung up abruptly, leaving Jaehyung confused but he completely understood. He wouldn't have the energy to speak if he was that sick.

As his eyes look up to the floor count displaying on the LED screen, he could feel his heart pulling back and forth; where a tiny move would make him jump. He's happy, excited and anxious at the same time. The anxiety only growing as the floor number continues to deplete in levels.

The elevator reaches the ground floor. When he could finally enter the lift, he lifts his shaky hands up towards the button leading to the 19th floor. It was only that moment when he realized how shaky he was and he tries to calm himself down.

But when he looks at the LED screen again, he couldn't help but feel so out of touch with his senses.

Oh no, I totally wasn't ready for this. I didn't think this would happen now and I only came here on a whim. His head started to run a train of unnecessary thoughts that he didn't realize he was already at the destinated floor.

He steps out and he realizes that he's here, literally standing on the same floor Brian is standing on.

He could feel it, his heart rate is picking up the pace and so is his footsteps; even if he wasn't ready, he wanted to see Brian.

Carefully reading the numbers on the door, Jaehyung stops at the one with the number 6 displayed on it. He gulps, swallowing his nervousness down as he could feel it building up in his chest.

He stares at the door, wondering if he should knock but his hands stop every time he tries to lift them. It was irrational, he came here to take care of Brian but he's stalling time because he doesn't have the courage to simply knock on the door.

When he realized how immature he was being, he takes in a sharp inhale before knocking on the door before pulling back quickly, his hands clasping as he grips bags that held the items he bought earlier.

A few seconds passed, then turned into minutes. He went in for another knock but there was no answer. He thought he got the apartment number wrong, or the floor, so he roamed the halls around but he was on the right floor and he was definitely knocking on the right apartment.

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